Chapter 11: Mission

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Aqualad's POV

We stood in front of Batman as the Justice League was flying around and checking our new base for intruders.

"This base was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League." Batman said, "And now, we are calling it back to duty since you five are determined to stay together and fight the good fight. But, you will being doing it on League terms."

"Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training. And I will deploy you on missions." Batman explained.

"Real missions?" Robin asked.

"Yes, but covert." Batman replied.

"The League will still handle the big stuff, which is the reason we have these targets on our chests." Flash said, pointing at his own symbol.

Doesn't Kid Flash have that symbol too though?

"However, Cadmus proves that the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman told us.

"The six of you will be that team." Batman told us.

"Cool." Robin said, "Wait, six?"

We heard footsteps behind us and turned around as Martian Manhunter and a girl walked toward us.

"This is Martian Manhunter's niece. Ms. Martian." Batman told us.

"Hi." She waved.

"I'm liking this gig more and more every minute." Kid Flash told Robin.

"Hey! Welcome aboard." He told her. "I'm Kid Flash, that's Robin and Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names.

Wraith facepalmed from next to me.

We walked over and I noticed that Superboy stayed behind.

"Superboy." I called, waving him over.

He walked over and looked at Ms. Martian.

"I like your tee shirt." She told him, changing the colors of her own.

He smiled lightly.

"Today is the day." I told them.

We were finally part of a real team.

-Time Skip to July 17th-

We were all in our normal clothes, waiting at the Mountain for Red Tornado.

"Is he coming?" Wally asked.

"He is arriving now." I told them before we all went outside.

He landed, "Hello. Is there a reason that you all intercepted me outside the base?"

"We hoped you had a mission for us." I explained.

"Missions assignments are for Batman to assign." He replied.

"But it's been over a week, and nothing-" Robin was cut off.

"There will be a mission soon enough. For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company." Red Tornado said.

"Our team is not a social club." I frowned.

"No, but I am told that socializing is an important team building exercise." He said.

"How often does the League get together and socialize?" Wraith asked.

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