Chapter 1: Introduction

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Madison's POV

I watched quietly as the suspicious looking van pulled up to Bibbo Bibbowski's restaurant. I would have been gone already back to the orphanage by now, but I just couldn't resist double checking this van.

I'm like, 67% sure this is the same van from those idiots I stopped last week from breaking into a flower shop.

A flower shop. Who tries to break into flower shops!?

I mean, go to jail for something cool or get a job for goodness sakes. Lame.

The back opened and about six people got out. Four guys and two girls. I pulled up my cheap little camera and got ready to take a picture, but nobody was openly carrying any weapons. That makes my life harder.

I put down the camera for a moment. If these guys ended up not being criminals and I was just wasting time-

One of them suddenly went up to the door and began to pick the lock. I grinned and snapped a picture. If this was all they did, it would still be enough. Attempting to enter a building and then guilty by association for everyone else.

Of course, that obviously wasn't what is going on.

They opened the door and I jumped down from my perch quietly. They walked inside and I quietly snapped my finger, making it look as if I wasn't there.

Of course, I couldn't make myself completely invisible, but if anyone looked closely at the illusion, they would be able to tell something was up. Luckily for me, these goons were too focused on breaking into a restaurant.

A successful restaurant. Actually, I really liked the guy who owned it. He seemed like a generally nice person.

A little loud, but we all have our downsides don't we?

They went over to the cash register and opened it. I snapped another picture and then another one as they pulled some money out.

There. I have my evidence.

I snapped my finger again and suddenly, the money in the thief's hands looked like leeches. He yelped and dropped it.

The others looked over and frowned.

"Joe, what are you doing?" One of them asked.

"Leeches!" He exclaimed.

"Leeches? In a cash register? Really?" Someone else scoffed, looking over.

I smiled and snapped my fingers again, making it looked as if there were flashing blue and red lights outside.

They all jumped and panicked.

"It's the cops!" One of them exclaimed.

"How'd they know we were here!?" Another asked.

"We'll go out the back!" Another said.

"Grab the cash, Joe!"

I snapped my fingers quietly again and made it looked as if there were snakes pouring out of it.

"Snakes!" Joe yelped.

"Snakes!? Joe are you- Snakes! Ah!"

"I told you Carla!" Joe whisper yelled.

Carla glared. Here comes my favorite part.

I snapped my fingers again and a huge dog popped up. Sleeping on the floor.

One of the thieves spotted it and froze.

"Guys..." He whispered.

I checked that my weighted hood was in place before removing the illusion around myself. Immediately, their eyes were drawn to me because I was bright white and in a dark room.

The White WraithOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz