Chapter 2: Worry

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Madison's POV


"Oh shut up!" I groaned, smacking the alarm clock.

"Someone stayed up late last night." Mary said.

I opened my eyes and looked at her with a sigh.

"What do you even do all night? It's boring in here." Jane asked as she made her bed.

I got up and yawned, "I just look out the window and think. You know, the stars are really nice in Metropolis."

"Oh, yeah. We've heard this story before." Lisa smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "You guys sure think you're detectives. You've got a long way to go, pipsqueaks."

Laura sneezed. It sounded adorable.

"Laura, you're not helping." Mary sighed.

"I had to sneeze!" She exclaimed.

"Well, sneeze more manly!" Jane told her.

"How is that even possible?" Laura asked.

"Breakfast time!" I announced, saving the girl from an untimely death.

She sighed and they all followed me out.

Let me get you up to date.

I'm sixteen and have lived in an orphaned since I was nine. That's 7 years years. And I live in the girl's left wing, which is actually just across from the boy's let wing. The orphanage is actually pretty small.

There are two rooms for the boys and two for the girls.

There are about 8 girls here, not including me, and 10 boys. It's pretty even.

I was the oldest. The second oldest was a boy named Jack. He's 15. Really annoying. In fact, he is probably the only person in my life that I have ever hated.

Besides our orphanage keeper, Riven. He is evil reincarnated, I swear.

Other than Jack and I, everyone here is either 10 or under.

We do pretty good. Our schedules are set. We also have about three free hours in the afternoon. Usually, that's when Jack and I take everyone out to the park to play.

We aren't actually supposed to do that, but Riven doesn't pay any attention to us unless there is an inspector or we are bothering him.

I accidentally burned myself on the stove and hissed. I heard Jack laugh from across the room and I huffed before continuing to make the eggs.

Him and I usually shared most of the orphanage chores and despite the fact that Jack is a complete jerk, he still helps out a lot.

We try to leave the other kids as free from work as possible because life for an orphan here is sad. I want them to be as happy as they can be until they are adopted. Or become like me.

Jack actually transferred here about a year ago and he hasn't said anything about his past, so I don't really know much about him.

We finished up breakfast and brought it out for everyone. I sat down quietly and thought about last night.

I knew I should have made a wall or something behind me when I ran away from that photographer. No doubt he got a picture. I sighed.

"Sup, Maddie?" Jack asked, bumping into my shoulder as he sat down next to me.

"I told you not to call me that." I said.

"Psh, ok Maddie." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat.

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