Chapter 8: Independence Day

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Aqualad's POV

"Are you excited?" Aquaman asked me.

I ran at the ice villian.

"I am more focused on the task at hand my king." I replied before taking the villian down.

He broke free of his ice cage and gave me a look.


I sighed, "Yes. I am very excited. Today is the day."

Less than an hour later, I was standing next between my king and Speedy.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Batman said.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman finished.

There was a gust of wind behind us as Flash and Kid Flash ran up.

"Aw! I knew we would be the last ones here!" Kid Flash complained.

"You aren't."

I turned around again as Superman landed next to us.

"I didn't know Superman would be here today." Speedy said, looking at Green Arrow.

"Well, it wouldn't have been nice to leave out my own partner." Superman told him and suddenly a girl in a white cloak and hood flickered into view next to him.

"Yes! We weren't last!" Kid Flash celebrated.

"Don't get used to it." Robin told him with a smirk.

"Well, now that everyone is here, should we get going?" Batman asked.

We all nodded and walked over to the entrance doors where the media and fans were waiting.

We caught bits and pieces of what they were saying.

"Oh I see Flash!" "Superman is here!" "What's Flash's sidekick's name? Speedy?" "No, it's Kid Fast." "How is Aquaman breathing? Isn't he a fish?"

I smiled lightly at that one and heard a small chuckle from next to me.

I looked over and didn't see anyone. Then I looked around and noticed that Superman's mystery partner was missing. She must be invisible again.

Why wouldn't she want to be seen? This was a big event for the Justice League and for us. If more people knew about us, there would be less hesitation to trust us when we were saving them from danger.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asked.

"Born that way." Speedy replied.

Literally. I mean- erm- whaaaat?

"I am glad we are all here." I told him.

"Yeah. When have all four sidekicks ever been in the same place at once?" Kid Flash asked.

"Five." Robin corrected.

"Don't call us sidekicks. Not after today." Speedy said.

Kid Flash shrugged, "Sorry. First time at the hall. Guess I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone just whelmed?" Robin questioned.

I frowned in confusion.

We walked into the building and saw a bunch of statues of the main League members.

"Oh. Maybe that's why." Robin said in awe.

I heard Superman's partner scoff.

"What?" Superman asked her.

"Just surprised the Justice League has a bunch of statues of themselves. Kind of vain." His partner answered.

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