Chapter 6: Betrayal

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Superman's POV

"White Wraith. I think we should have a talk." I told her.

I had to squint hard in order to see through her illusion.

She took a nervous step back down the ladder and I crossed my arms.

"I can see you. Come back up, I just want to talk." I assured.

"Go ahead." She told me from the ladder.

I sighed, "I know who you are."

The illusion flickered for a moment.

"Well, I know who you are too." She retaliated.

I raised an eyebrow. Right.

"Clark Kent." She said.

I froze. How did she...

"How did you know?" I asked.

"You both looked similar. And your girlfriend lied." She told me.

I frowned, "Well then I guess we're even. Madison."

She put her head against the ladder rail and groaned quietly.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

"You. Lex Luthor. The Justice League. The orphanage." I named the topics.

"So is this going to be a long talk?" She asked.

"It's 1 in the morning, do you have somewhere to be?" I asked.

"No, but I kind of wanted to staunch the blood coming out of my arm." She said.

I saw the injury she was talking about and flew over quickly, "What happened?"

"I broke into Lexcorp. Don't worry, I learned my lesson." She took down the illusion and finished climbing up the ladder.

"Hold on." I told her before flying someone to get medical supplies.

She looked at me in surprise when I came back.

"You aren't going to arrest me?" She asked.

I landed on the roof and shook my head, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I broke into private property..." She said slowly.

I laughed, "Oh yeah. Don't worry, I do that all the time."

She grabbed the supplies and sat down to begin working on her wound.

"So let's talk." She suggested.

"Lex Luthor. What is he doing with your friend Jack?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Jack says that they're friends, but I don't trust Mr. Luthor." She replied.

"Good. Don't ever trust Lex, I've made that mistake once or twice." I praised.

"And what did you want to know about the orphanage?" I asked.

"I was just wondering if the orphanage had anything to do with why Lex thought you were stopping him from achieving a goal." He said.

"Stopping him? I hadn't even met him before he started getting all cozy with Jack." She frowned.

"He could be wanting to use you for something, but he tried to kill you at the fair. Which means he wants you out of his way and Jack is in on it. I overheard them talking." I explained.

"Jack? Wait, he is a jerk, but hardly a criminal. Luthor must be conning him." She finished bandaging the wound and turned her full attention to me.

"Maybe, but either way, you should still be cautious." I suggested.

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