Prologue: How it all Began

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3rd POV

Madison Greene watched quietly from her apartment rooftop as the rare comet shower sped by. At 9 years old, she was entranced by the beautiful sight.

Snuggled into his older sister's side was 4 year old Johnathan Greene. He could care less about the weird rocks on fire in the sky, because it was freezing, and his clothes were damp from the snow on the roof.

Their father was sitting up, watching right alongside them with his camera raised. He was a reporter named Henry Greene, and he was excited to have the opportunity to give the city of Metropolis a view of nature's beauty.

Not far away, in the apartment below, was the happy wife and mother to the three: Melissa Greene. Well, happy might have been an overstatement because she was worried about the current events going on in their neighboring cities.

Currently, the newly formed Justice League was fighting off a threat.

On the roof above, the two children and their father's mostly happy moods are ruined as one of the sky rocks changes direction.

Straight for them.

Johnny screamed and launched himself onto Madison. Madison stared at it with wide eyes. They didn't have much time.

The other rocks began to shift as well.

Their father told them not to worry, because the rocks would burn up in the atmosphere. And he was right for the most part, they did burn up, but tons of little  pebbles rained down from the sky.

Surprised, their father began to take more pictures of the strange blue rocks, which were disintegrating as soon as they touched the apartment's roof.

Madison's jaw dropped. It was beautiful.

Unfortunately, dropping her daw led to one of the rocks landing in it and she began to have a hard time breathing.

Noticing his daughter's state of distress and witnessing her eat the rock, her father immediately took action.

Not moment later, the entire family was running to the car with Madison in her fathers arms. Limp.

They tried so hard to get to the hospital before their daughter's heart stopped. They tried too hard.

They were going way above the speed limit. On a normal night, Superman would have come out. It would have been a welcome relief tonight, but he was absent. Off fighting towering and overpowered villians somewhere else.

Another car was speeding around the corner and rammed into them. The wreck was loud, horrible, and anyone witnessing it would have thought there were no survivors.

But the family hadn't given their daughter a seat of her own and sheltered in her father's arms, Madison lived.

The other car also had a survivor. Because the other car was speeding away from an armed robbery. One of the robbers was guarding the money and it served as a cushion during the wreck.

Cops had been following them. They saw the wreckage and called ambulances. They would be disappointed to find that only two people lived.

Madison was rushed to the hospital, were she was assumed to have stopped breathing after the wreck. No visible injures were found.

A week later, she was awake and physically fine. Madison was taken to the closest Metropolis orphanage where she was greeted by other kids who understood her pain.

Over the next month, she would discover that she had extraordinary abilities. Illusions.

She used her powers to create beauty and hope in the orphanage, but she never let anyone know it was her. After all, none of the cool superheroes she read about told anyone that they had superpowers unless they were out saving lives.

So she assumed she would have to wait until she had an awesome costume.

When she had been in the orphanage for four years, at the age of thirteen, she saved up enough money to make the costume. And with that time before, she had been training hard to be ready.

She knew a mixmatch of fighting techniques. Youtube, when used properly, could tell you a lot about defensive and offensive combat. She perfected herself to the best of her ability and once she created her suit, she felt like she could really be a super hero.

She wanted to represent all good things, so she wore the color white. Her suit was a white knee length cloak, which was carefully crafted so that it wouldn't get in her way.

She would be a hero to the little people, to the ones who weren't protected from the smaller villians. But to most of Metropolis, the White Wraith was just a story. Just a whisper in the wind.

That is until she saved a photographer from the Daily Planet.

Jimmy Olsen.

Now we can get to the fun stuff. *evily rubs hands together* MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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