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Kierans POV

"Have you arrived? I need you here asap your father is driving me nuts!" I whispered/demand into the phone while my godfather Arsenio walks over to the bar to serve himself up yet another drink.

"What are you talking about fratello?" Dom hisses into the phone clearly irritated for reasons unknown to me.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that he gets drunk off his ass when he misses your mother!"

I hear the liquid being poured into the glass as I roll my eyes. No one can cut him off because he is holding a ruger in his left hand.

"It's been 2 hours after dinner and he has Luciano, Mariano, and I held captive in the dining room talking about "the good old days" and how he misses his "sweet Bambi?" It's driving me insane I need to run the plan past you as well on tomorrows events will, Delilah be attending?"

I hear the clear annoyed tone in Dominicos voice as he talks to me.

"Someone cut him off, I just got off the plane and I'll be there in about two hours, no Delilah had other fucking activities that begged for her attention. Fran is knocked out cold and already being transported into the trunk of the SUV"

His annoyance spiked when he spoke of his sister... she must have something to do with his foul mood.

"Good. I need your full attention on this situation Dominico we have no room for fuck ups when it comes to my wife."

"I hear you, you can trust me when I say she'll be coming back with us without a scratch on her boss."

I gave a call of approval before my phone was snatched from my hands.

"What the fuck!" I hissed but then looked up to find Arsenios gun in my face. He had it pointed right at me and a look of anger written all over his face.

"Who are you talking to Ahijado?" (Godson) I quickly got up from my seat moving the gun out of my face and walking over to Luciano.

"Your son, he has Vidalgos whore and he is on his way here."

"Is my precious Bambi with him?"

"Ugh... no? Padrino I don't think bring her here in the middle of a battle would be smart." (Godfather)

"She can definitely hold her own I tell you... well no. We have more than enough time let you tell you all how I got this scare on my neck and who gave it to me."

His fucking drunk mood swings are killing me.

"Someone hand me another beer."

I shifted in my seat getting comfortable because I know when he gives an order no one can stop him.

He began to tell his story while I gave Luciano and Mariano looks telling them I was sick of this and we needed to cut him off now.

They nodded subtly in agreement.

I have to take care of this shit and I also need to put the fucking plan in motion we have no room for fuck ups here.

I'll be with my angel by this time tomorrow without fail.


Dominicos POV

While Kieran has been away from home and trying to get Emerson back I have been back in Chicago keeping everything and trying to keep everyone in check.

It is extremely difficult when you're left with a whole mafia to run as well as keeping your fucking twin sister from running away with your fucking Bosses sister.

The Lawyer Vs The Mafia (Mafia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now