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Emerson's POV

3 days later...

I don't know what to think. The person that was supposed to see me has not shown up.  I am surrounded by my own darkness. By my own thoughts, but I can't think straight.

The man with blue gloves comes in whenever he deems I need more drugs in my system. Whenever I feel like I can begin to move again and remember who my husband is. Who the people I know are.

I begin to get a grip on life again only for it to be ripped from me again.

I am tired.

So tired.

I don't know... I just don't fucking KNOW!


Two days later...

I awoke to him~

He is sitting on the bed stroking my cheek. He just stares at me- not saying a word he stares with such pity in his eyes I can't say I blame him.

But no matter the amount of pity he will not help me.

"Good morning Mija." He get a soft grip on my chin, I could feel his warm hands against me, he examined my face before letting go and moving the hair from my face.

"I am going to turn the lights onto the lowest setting." He said that while walking over to the door.

"My cousin will be seeing you soon, I need you to be coherent by then."

Who? Who is his cousin?

"You will no longer be as drugged as you have been."

Good. I can attempt to escape soon!

Suddenly the lights were on, they burned at my eyes I had to shut them immediately, hating the burning sensation behind my lids.

"My apologies mija." He said before I felt the lights dim substantially.

"S- still to b- b- bright-" I whispered and he came closer.

"Here these will help you." I felt his slip on a pare of shades over my eyes.

I hesitantly opened my eyes and I could see now.

The room was larger then I assumed. The bed I was on was larger, covered in a white sheet.

The frame was a dark black color to me. This room had minimal decorations yet a classy touch to it I couldn't hate it.

But it was a prison no matter the appearance.

"Would you like some water?" I nodded my head.

"I have been keeping you drugged, as well as inputting vitamins and such into your system as well."

I don't care asshole!
Need to go!

"You have not been out of bed in a long time, so refrain from trying to get up. If you need to bathroom please tell me, I'll help you."

Please- why is he acting as if I am not here against my will!

"Listen, I apologize for keeping you in the dark for so long... but you need to understand it is for a higher purpose that I can't disclose to you at the moment- in due time you'll find out."

I suddenly felt very tired, I could not keep my eyes open.

I fell into unconsciousness.


Emerson POV

I woke with a jerk. My hands were free my head only a little fuzzy. I moved the hair out of my face and sat up, for the first time in who knows how long.

The Lawyer Vs The Mafia (Mafia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now