'Prologue' (book rewrite)

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I decided to rewrite the book, I felt like it was sloppy and I could do better. Thank you for reading! <3

Emerson's POV

I sat in my desk chair looking over some files for a potential client, I was finally able to get focused when my phone rang,

The caller ID flashed *Do not answer*  (Delilah)

I reluctantly answered, maybe she set my condo on fire, again...

"Hey, what's up? Everything okay?" I didn't hear anything but rough breathing on the other end.

"Delilah I'm not in the mood for games, I've got a file to look over and you're kind of interrupting..."

"I'm hanging up now-"

"Okay- okay, well I was calling because I want to go clubbing tonight with a few other girls, you in?" I sigh and tap my pen on my desk thinking about it.

"Hmmm, maybe if you don't call me till I get off, and don't you have a client to get to today?" She squealed and I took the phone away from my ear quickly,

"YESSS FINALLY! And I'm here now, we're having a 15 minute recess so... why not call you?"  That got a small tiny smile out of me. I love this girl with my entire heart.

"Right, right now, you got my answer and I'll see you after work"

"Right! See you after work EM!"

I hung up and put my phone on silent, I got back into my work hoping for no more interruptions, this guy is facing big charges over distribution of fire arms and a heavy quantity of money that was found on him, that is presumed to be the cash payment for said firearms.

I need to get this guy out and I don't plan on losing my first case yet.

Then, of course my office door flew open, I looked up meeting my fathers grey eyes,

"Hey, princess" I grimace at him just wanting to get my fucking work done,

"Did you have to bust in? I mean you could have called, I have a very important case to work on-" then he interrupted me, completely shut down my conversation-

"I tried but your phone was off and you don't need to worry about that case, you'll be taking this one,"

He threw a case file on my desk and sat on a chair in front of said desk.

I opened the file and the first thing I looked at was the picture on the left hand corner, the man has jet black hair that was slick back to perfection, his reflective like green eyes seemingly peering into my soul even through a photo.  His cheeks bones were very defined and so was jaw jaw line, he had a very thick clean beard cut to perfection as well. On his file it stated he was 31, 6'6 and he was Italian and... Russian? Hmm would not have guessed that-

My eyes then glanced at the name... hell no.

"Kieran... Russo?" My father shook his head animatedly, "you'll be taking over my job and working under the Russo family, defending them when they get on the laws bad side..."

I shook my head in disbelief, he's serious? He wants me to defend the Russo's- like hell, his debt with them is not about to be put on me!

"Yeah... hell no." My father looked at me with irritation clearly present in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that dad! The debt that you have with them over some stupid mistake 10 years ago, is not about to be brought onto me!"

I shook my head closed the case file and pushed it away from me.

"Du wrist nicht so mit mir sprechen, junge Dame, Sie übernehmen für mich oder ich werde dafür sorgen, dass Sie Ihre Mutter nie wieder sehen!" (you will not speak to me in the manner young lady, you will be taking over for me or i will make sure you never see your mother again!)

I looked at him mirroring his dead almost lifeless eyes because of the lack of emotion he showed except anger of course.

"You have not let me see my màmà in years. You sent me to Paris and you said I would see her when I got back... I have not seen her, in 4 years. Where the hell is my mother, you can't use her against me." I said with my dead tone I have come to perfect.

He has manipulated me with the "privilege" to see you mom almost my whole life, I didn't want to study law I wanted to be an author,

But my love for my sweet màmà over powered my dream, so I agreed to study abroad for 4 years, I've just gotten back a week ago and I still have not met with my mother.

I've spoken to her over the phone, but that simply is not enough! I need my sweet mami.

"You take the case, and I let you meet your mother tomorrow for lunch." I can't believe my mother married this fucking lack of a man.

"Fine." I slammed my hand on my desk and got up, I looked over the file seeing everything from speeding tickets to drug trafficking, my father has gotten him and his father out of multiple run ins with the law.

Scott free might I add, money talks and his reputation speaks even greater volumes. I am no different than he, he taught me everything I know about the law, every damn shortcut and way to persuade the judge to overlook something...

In the year I have practiced law, I have not lost a case, in Paris I did it on my own, by my own clean means of getting people off without a hitch.

Here, in America it's different my father has hands in the courts and so do his clients, now not only do I have the brains to get people out clean and fair, I have the corruption on my side as well.

I don't enjoy the corruption, but I have to work on my fathers terms, until he dies or I run of course.

Anyway, I gather my things while my father explains to me that I'll be meeting them in 2 days, I agree knowing that saying no won't do shit.

"I have to go now, I'll see you in 2 days then." I walk to my door and hold it open for him to walk out. He nods and then without as much as a thank you walks out of my office and goes his own way.

"Fucking bastard"
I decided to complete scrap my other idea, it wasn't completely up to my expectations and I know I can give you better! <3

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