Only hope.

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Kierans POV

"So you're telling me you know where the kid is and you've known for years and haven't told anyone shit?" I nod in confirmation sitting down across from Luciano's massive desk.

We've been talking back and fourth about the lost Vera boy. I have not told him about his location, but he asked if I'd heard from him. And he needed to know where I got my information from.

"Well... shit at least you're damn loyal boy. Arsenio would kill to know where his son is."

"I am not going to be the one to tell him... and I trust you won't be saying a word either right?"

He leaned back in his chair putting his hands behind his head.

"Of course, i am not tainting my word for anyone."

"So... anyway how long has she officially been in the wind kid?"

I exhaled looking at my watch.

"20 hours and 58 minutes."

"You got the seconds as well?" He asked trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't work. I just need to get my girl back.

"Okay... tough crowd aye?" 

"I need your alliances any and all that have power in Mexico."

"Mexico..? You know who took her?"


"Are you going to tell me or...?" 


"Ahh shit, that is going to be a tough fucking cookie to crack."

"How so?"

"Those bastardos keep their business very private... when they mean family business they fucking stick by it... but I may know a guy."

"Just help me uncle. You are my only hope to get her back to me!"

"Easy there kid, Arsenio is very good at these things. Dare I say better than me... I need to get his input if I don't get a guy for this."

"Do whatever you need, you have all my man power as well."


"I suggest you step back and observe as I do what I do best-." He poured himself a drink offering up one to me I did not hesitate when I took it.

The amber liquid in the glass slid down the throat. The taste not bothering me one bit.

I need my Emerson.

I need to get my Emerson back.

She won't forgive me if I don't get her out of whatever hole she is in.

But she is a strong queen. Our strong queen. She can hold her own for the time being.

I know she can. She always has and I believe in her abilities.

Emerson pov
One week later.

Days merge together,
Time does not exist for me...
I cannot tell the time... nor the day- if I am awake or in a deep slumber.

If the footsteps I am hearing are real or simply a delusion.

I am no longer sitting, the once fuzzy carpet no longer comforting my feet.

Now I lay on a bed- no idea of the type- my mind still too fuzzy to comprehend.

When I feel as though the drugs are finally passing they- he-

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