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Kierans POV

I watched her through the security cameras as she made her way into the suv and watched as it drove away with her inside.

I took my focus and put it into my work. I have been focusing on Emerson more than my legal business as well as the mafia one.

I decided to get shit done now, so when she gets home I can focus on her and how to convince her to marry me.

I told her it was because of her protection and in all honesty I have that under control as of now, no one is willing to risk shit right now and is laying low, but I have eyes and ears everywhere so I know everyone's moves or lack there of.

I heard a knock on my door and I knew by the way they knocked who it was.

"Come in." I said in a dead tone.

"What is it Dom?"

He stood by the closed door shifting on his feet uncomfortably, seemingly very hesitant about his next words.

"Umm Kieran..." He rubbed the back of his neck further conforming his discomfort.

"We caught wind that Fran was spotted in Paris 2 nights ago getting on a plain headed to Madrid Spain..."

All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the mention of this sick woman's name.

I didn't say a word, didn't move a muscle.


'Fuck we need to get rid of that monster-'

"Do we know where she is now?" I asked in a deadly tone, Dom visible froze from the tone I used and he looked down to his shoes.

"Well... no"

"NO?!" I got up from my desk charging at him.

"WAIT KIERAN! Before you fucking kill me!"

"She is in Spain! We know who she has been working with and frankly I'm not surprised!"

I stopped mere inches from him, ready to knock him on his ass for his insubordination to keep a close eye on her and tell me immediately when she was found.

'I want her fucking head'

"Who is it?" I asked ready to recognize the name of the dumb ass that decides to help her sick ass.

"Vidalgo Sciocco."

"That bastardo? Seriously? She fucked him?! He's been on her side all this time? And now he wants my woman and is protecting this fucking disgusting bitch?" Unbelievable-

You would think these mother fuckers go to school to be this fucking stupid!

God fucking imbeciles-
I need to keep Emerson safe while I get rid of these fucking people.

Vidalgo Sciocco is the leader of the Mexican mafia. Those Mexicans are some messy, crazy fucks. I can confidently say they are worse then the Russians, they don't give two shits about appearances or rule.

They only care for two things. Those two things being money and power. They gain power with my Emerson on their side, and they money? They get it from sex trafficking. It's a sick business to join that I have never had the stomach to go into.

It makes me fucking sick. And to know now that Vidalgo and Fran have been working together and he is her supposed parter all this time some how makes fucking sense.

They are both some sick perverted fucks.

"Kieran?" Dom said while I stared up at seemingly nothing, thinking of the ways I would fucking destroy the mexican mafias leader as well as that fucking disgusting abuser of mine.

The Lawyer Vs The Mafia (Mafia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now