The One From The Picture?

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Emerson's POV

Blaring loud music, blinding colorful lights, and can't forget about to people- god I forgot how much I hate people.

All in all the perfect way to spend a Friday night with your best friend, and of course a bloody wonderful way to get a splitting headache your father gave you to feel 10X worse.

Delilah and I had arrived to a club, it was called 'la tana del diavolo' (the devil's lair)

A very corny name in my opinion, but hey the drinks are good and Del is having a nice time... I can't ruin it for her especially because she has a girl on each arm.

I on the other hand, am thinking about how I'm going to murder my father and get away scott free.

"Hey! You good nena?" (Baby girl) I look up to be met with stormy blue eyes, Del is very inebriated and the girls on either side of her seem to be very into her as well, my best friend is definitely one for the ladies.

I nod and look down at my 2nd whiskey of the night, it's been a while since I came to a club like this one, people dancing, drinking, loud, very loud music. I can feel my brain thumping in my skull.

'I need some air-'

I get up and Del looks up at me her eyebrow raising in question. "Where you going Em?"

"I'll be right back, I need some air, hand me your wallet and keys gurly I'll be right back," she nods and gives me all the things, I can never be to careful leaving Del with big amounts of cash and car keys on her when she's slightly drunk and the woman of her choosing for the night are clearly less drunk than her.

I plan on being back in less than 10 minutes I just need to breath and I prefer clean air and not sweat from the eager dancers around me.

"Hey, I'll be right back just need some air," I tell the bouncer at the front and he nods giving me a fist bumb.

"Carful doll, wouldn't want to get hurt out here" I smile and head a few feet away from the door,

I breath in and out trying to lose my killer headache,

Few minutes later I feel less like shit and prepare to head back into the enthusiastic party people's lair... when I feel a presence near me, I feel eyes on me.

I don't turn or make any sudden movements to make me seem like I am aware of anything amiss.

I get off the wall I was leaning on and start walking back to the door, before I reach it tho I feel a presence behind me closer until their hand is on my shoulder stoping my moment.

"I knew it was you Emerson, how are you?" I recognize that voice from multiple FaceTime calls I've interrupted between Del and her twin!

"Now way! Dominico?" I turn and am face to face, or we'll... face to chest because he is very tall man himself.

"Fancy seeing you here, any chance my sisters here too?" I smile and nod, he then pulls me into a hug and I return it, "she's inside with some girls, I took her keys and wallet just in case they tried to lift anything off her, it's happened."

He nods pulling back and motioning for us to walk to the entrance.

"What are you doing here, trying to get a girl?" I ask in a joking manner, he looks down at me and chuckles

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were offering.." I hit his shoulder and shake my head, "not likely, although I am flattered that you think I would"

"You're unfortunately not my type, too cocky..." I smile and he stops in his tracks hand over his heart, feigning hurt.

"Ouu Em you wound my ego-" we both bust out laughing and I show him to the booth where his sister is.

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