Episode 1 "Pilot" Part 2

Start from the beginning

I am sitting down with Booth talking to the FBI Deputy Director. "So, you guarantee two squints a field role in an active murder investigation?" Both nod "Yes, sir." "The one that wrote the book? And this one who is sitting with us." "Yes, sir." "Thought you said the one with the book wouldn't work with you anymore." "The last case we worked, she provided a description of the murder weapon and the murderer, but I didn't give her much credence." "Why not?" This is where I piped in "It's because she was looking at the victim's autopsy X rays." The director laught a bit, "Well, I wouldn't give it much credence, either." Booth then spoke again, "Turns out she was right on both. Plus, the pond victim -- the sisters provided gives me the victim's age, sex and favorite sport." "Which is?" "Tennis" "They're good." "No, they're amazing. Only way I can get them back on my side is to bring them out in the field ... I'm willing." "But why both." I chuckle a bit getting excited. 

"Ah, this is where I come in.  Dr. Brennan and I come as a package. But I provide a bonus to the FBI since I am second head of the Jeffersonian, I am willing to provide you my team on my accordance. Also, with me there, I could ease Booth's mind when or if we encounter a bad guy. I will be taking care of Dr. Brennan, or I could be his back-up, if you allow and provide me a gun." Booth looked at me shock as I said the last statement as the director looks at me curiously. "Now why would I provide you a squint a gun." "Well sir, you could say that I am a unique squint." "How so?" "I shall introduce myself then. I am Dr. Venus Brennan, but you can just call me Dr. Venus. And despite my young age only being twenty, I have served five years in the military. Three years with Navy SEALS DEVGRU and 2 years in Delta Force. If you don't believe me then you can ask Booth as he already did a background check on me." The director thinks for a few seconds, "Fine. They're on you. Take the squints out in the fields, they are your responsibility. And as for you Dr. Venus, wait for me at the shooting range, where I will personally evaluate you to see if you qualify to carry a gun on the field." Both and I nod and responded at the same time. "Yes, sir." and we walk out of the room.

"That was nerve racking, wasn't it Ranger." "Yes, it was. I thought he was going to say no to you obtaining a gun on the field." "Well, I am your berry squint, I know how to make a bargain." Booth chuckle, "Your right about that." "Oh, do you think you could take me to the shooting range and stay with me as I get evaluated." "Sure, thing Blueberry, let's go." 

Booth and I are in Angie's workspace with the rest of the team after I passed my evaluation. We are currently waiting for Temp to start our meeting. Temp walks in "Good morning. Does Booth know how this works?" Angie speaks up "This computer program, which I designed -- patent pending -- accepts a full array of digital input, processes it and then projects it as a three-dimensional holographic image." Temp then intervenes looking at Booth "You got that?" "Yeah, the patent pending part." I chuckle at his comment as Angie speaks up "Brennan and Venus reassembled the skull and applied tissue markers." I piped in "Her skull was badly damaged, but racial indicators -- cheekbone dimensions, nasal arch, occipital measurements -- suggest African-American." Angie finishes her sketch "And ... we have our victim." Booth looks at it in amazement and tries to touch it as Temp swats his hand away. "Ange, rerun the program substituting Caucasian values. Does she look familiar to anyone?" We all shook our heads no. "Split the difference. Mixed race." Angie speaks "Lenny Kravitz or Vanessa Williams?" "I don't know what that means. Angela, reduce tissue depth over the cheekbones to the jawline." I look over at Booth seeing that he started to realize something as Brennan asks again, "Does anyone recognize her?" Zack and I say no as Angie also look in realization. "Is that who I think it is?" I see that Zack started to finally realize it as well. "The girl who had the affair with the Senator?" Booth then speaks in, "Her name's Cleo Louise Eller ... only daughter to Ted and Sharon Eller. Last seen approximately 9:00 p.m., April 6, 2003 leaving the Cardio Deluxe Jam on K street. She didn't even make it to her car." We all look at him as Temp speak up "Pretty good memory." "Yeah, well, it's my job to find her." Hodgins pipes in "In that case, congratulations on your success." I look at Hodgins stunned at his words as Booth speaks again. "This isn't exactly the way I wanted it to end."

Booth, Temp, and I are walking down the steps of the building as the rest of the team is having their lunch on the steps as well as both speaks up. "Cleo Eller is not just some missing girl." Hodgins intervenes "Yeah, she's a senate intern who was boinking Senator Allen Bethlehem." "I was secondary in the investigation into the disappearance of that girl, and we couldn't confirm that. How did you recognize her before she even had her own face?" Temp looks at him, "I recognized the underlying architecture of her features, the rest is just window dressing. " Zack then speaks up, "I'm not an expert, but shouldn't he be happier?" "Oh, no, believe me, I'm happy. I need this kept quiet."

Hodgins then yells, "Ah, cover-up." The three of us start walking away as Booth also yelled out to Hodgins, "Paranoid conspiracy theory." Is it paranoia that Monica Lewinsky was a KGB-trained sex-agent mole?" We are making our way to Booth's car as Temp speaks up "So, what do you do first, confront the Senator?" "No, sis we need to talk to the parents first." "Listen, Bones. Blueberry. I know ..." "Don't call me Bones." "I know we talked about you both coming out in the field and all ..." "Oh, you rat bastard!" "But if it's this big, the Director's going to create a special investigation unit. And if I line all my ducks up in a row, I can maybe head it up." "I don't know what that means, but I think we can be a duck." "You're not a duck. Okay? On this one, we stick to the book. Cops on the streets squints in the lab." "Well, in that case, the Jeffersonian will be issuing a press release identifying the girl in the pond." I gasp a little as Booth stops and turned and looked at Temp. "You do that, I'm a dead duck. What are you trying to do?" "Ranger I think she is trying to blackmail you." "Blackmail a federal agent?" I just nod. "I don't like it." Temp then pipes in, "I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to." "Fine you're both in."



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