Language Barriers

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"Alright, moving on!" The Captain chuckled, shaking his head. From his first impression of this challenge, this was going to be interesting, "Kwazii, will you do the honors this time?"

"Aye-aye, Capt'n!" The overexcited cat screamed and read.

"From @Burritogirlboss: I dare Peso to speak Spanish for a whole day."

"Spanish?" Peso looked down at his feet and shook his head, "But none of you will understand a thing I say!"

"It's alright," The Captain reassured him, putting a large, warm paw on his shoulder, "It's a dare, and Pinto could always help us translate some of it. You'll be alright."

"Si capitan." He murmured shakily and gulped. Unluckily for him though, the kids had realized a way in which they could twist this challenge in their favor. Pinto tugged on Jane's sleeve.

"Tu eres una pendeja."  He said plainly to her. She gritted her teeth and held a fist under his chin

"Callarse, saukerl." She warned him.

"Jane, Pinto!" Peso had scolded gently, "Sean simpaticos entre ustedes!" Everyone stared at him in confusion.

"OK, I know what a "saukerl" is, but what else did they say?" Dashi asked Peso.

"Significa, oh! Tu dos!"

"And he's just realized that he can't tell anyone what we just said." Pinto grinned mischievously.

"Oh, goodness." The Captain sighed and put his fingers to his temples. This was going to be a long day.

"Peso!" Kwazii screeched over the intercom, "Tweak kicked me tail and it's swelling."

"Ven a la enfermeria!" Peso told him patiently, biting back his annoyance. "Not again!" he thought.

"What?" Kwazii hollered even louder.

"VEN A LA-" Peso stopped, realizing that even if he screamed loud enough for the whole ocean to hear, Kwazii wouldn't understand, so he began miming.

"Alright, so walk." Kwazii narrated, "Walk to you? Ok, matey." That one was a success. "

Hopefully we'll always be this lucky!" Peso pleaded to himself.

"Acostarse!" Peso scolded Pinto, and chased after him.

"No quiero!" Pinto protested, wiggling out of his brother's grasp and sprinting down the hallway just as the captain was walking by with a mug of hot chocolate clutched in his paws.

"What's going on here?" He asked, surprised to see the 2 young penguins running up and down the halls.

"Pinto no se va a la cama!" Peso grumbled and continued to chase after his hyperactive little brother.

"What in this ocean- Oh yes!" The Captain exclaimed, recalling the challenge. He pulled out his Octocompass and set it to translation mode, shaking his head and smiling at Tweak's genius, "Say that again Peso, but slower."

"Pinto no se va a la cama." Peso repeated.

"Pinto won't go to bed!" The Octocompass translated. The Captain smiled lightly.

"Ah, I see." He murmured and gently rubbed a paw on Peso's back, "Maybe I can help with that." He clasped Peso's flipper in his paw and led him in Pinto's direction. Once they'd nabbed Pinto, to the younger penguin's squawks of protest,  the Captain led both brothers in the direction of their room. 

He laid them down on Peso's bed, and lay between the two, keeping an extra firm grip on Pinto, who was wiggling from left to right. After a while of rubbing their backs and stroking their heads, he felt both of their movements grow more sluggish and slow. He began to sing a lullaby, a gentle croon in his deep, rich voice that would soothe both Pinto and Peso into the realms of sleep.

After the Captain was sure both of them were sound asleep, he untangled himself from their grasps, pulled the covers tightly over them, and kissed them goodnight. His eyes lingered for a while on his crewmembers, no, his children. They seemed so peaceful, sleep breaking the chains of their waking lives. Maybe this challenge wouldn't be so bad after all. 

A/N- I know this (probably wasn't what you had in mind @Burritogirlboss, but hope everyone likes it! Sorry for my awful Spanish. I'm not a native speaker and  I've only spoken it in school for around 5 months.

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