twelve|good night

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At the corner of my eyes I saw paparazzi, I held her hand and sprinted to the car. untill I was almost out of breath, I took my inhaler out and looked at athena, then we started laughing. "The hell was that?!" She said laughing her ass off.

Athena's pov

"You should cook more you know?" she said. I blushed at her comment. "No, I don't think I should." I said laughing. "Why the hell not?" She said being like a kid. "I burnt cookies before, and be proud, because this is the first time I didn't burn it." I said winking at her.

"It's really good though" she said laughing. " Nah, you gotta be playing" I said grabbing one cookie. "Then go, try it!" She said excitingly. She literally looks like a child that's been allowed to buy a toy they want. "Fine" I rolled my eyes. She watched me as I put the cookie in my mouth. Dude's an fbi or some shit.

"What?" I said covering my mouth. "How was it? How was it!" She said jumping a little bit. "It's fine, I guess" I said putting the rest of the cookie in my mouth. "It's not just fine, it's so good" she said looking at me with a death stare. "I swear if you weren't here, I would've burnt the apartment down" I said laughing. She laughed along.

Until her phone rang, so she excused herself and came back a few minutes later. "I'll get going now, can I have the rest of the cookies now? You didn't like it right?" She said, and she seemed joking but I knew she wanted them. "Fine" I said giving her a container then putting the cookies inside them.

"Drive safely bozo" I said laughing. "I sure will gorilla" she said. Where the hell did gorilla come from. I closed the door smiling. I just realized how fun it is to be around her, how happy I really am. But at the same time, being with her also risks something. It risks of me falling much deeper than intended. You see, we always fall for people who has no chance of feeling the same, it's bullshit. I can't, and plus she's not even gay.

Crazy you know? How 'love' alone is just so powerful. It changes a lot of things. Like the way you look at the world, the way you look at a person, and the way you are. Next thing you know is that, you'll just be willing to catch a bullet for them. It's hard because even if you try to push away, when it's there. It's there. I just wish I had the power over love, so I wouldn't fall for you. But I guess I don't.

Do you know how many people actually die, because of love? That one word, 'love' could kill? That's how powerful this shit is. You can also make a person's day by saying you 'love' them. This word is a damn powerful word.

I look at the ceiling, still in thought of billie. I used to just be fine but, now all that mattered to me was her. All the things I see was just her. How she feels, how she is. God, I hate this. Why can't it just be a random dude from college. Why the hell do I have to fall for a straight girl. My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone ringing*. Speaking..

"Hello?" I said, sounding a bit tired. "Hi, were you asleep? Sorry if I waked you up" She said softly. "Nope. Why did you call?" I asked. "Well, I finished the cookies. I really loved them" She laughed. "You didn't just called me for that" I said rolling my eyes. She laughed at my comment. Gosh, she even has a cute laugh.

"I don't know why I called you, to be honest" she breathed out. "So you weren't considering if a person was sleeping?" I scoffed jokingly. "Well, I guess not... I had such a great time though. I'm telling you bake more cookies." She went on again. "I told you already, I could burn the whole apartment down. I swear I won't have a place to stay" I laughed. She laughed back. I really love her laugh. 

Until it was quiet. It wasn't akward or something."Do you got more to say?" I said cutting the silence. "Nah" she said shortly. "Okay fine, then I'm going. Goodnight bils" I said, softly whispering the last part. "Goodnight gorilla" she giggled. Seriously where did she get that shit.

I was about to put the phone down until.. "no... Wait!" I heard. "What's up?" I asked. "Can you... Can you stay?" She asks nervously. "Why,? For you to be ranting on me? Because of the cookies I made?" I laughed. She also laughed. "I don't know, just stay. Please" she said.

"Fine," I said annoyingly. She laughed. This bitch.

She asked me to tell stuff about me. Minutes later it was quiet on the other line. Did this bitch just slept on me? "Hey? Are you asleep?" I said. No response, a minute later I hear soft snores, it was cute indeed. How can her snores be still cute. "Well, goodnight to you too" I whispered.

Well, it definitely was a good night.

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