three|hard not to fall

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After arguing with agatha I finally went to bed but I couldn't sleep, because I was still in thought of that kiss billie and i had. I couldn't even explain it. Her lips was too soft it makes me wanna melt in her touch. Her hands are so soft and the way she looked at me in that interview gives me BUTTERFIES just by remembering it. But I hate the other side of her, when she isn't infront of people and the camera, she'll be shitty.


"Now, for your SA (summative assessment) you Will be writing either, a poem, a song, or a story." My professor said. Cool. Not writing things again. I barely could think about a thing to write. Or a topic to start on.

"The submission of this project will be in the next month, so please try to put your time on it." He said. What the Fuck? Does he expect me to write that fast when I barely passed. The bell rang and I stood up.

Now making my way into my apartment, but on my way there people we're looking at me and whispering. What the fuck?

I don't really like it when people do that, it triggers my anxiety and it might give me an anxiety attack later on. So I ran to my apartment building not minding people looking at me.

I was finally by my door and I saw agatha was standing there. "It's all over twitter," she said sadly. "What?" I asked confused.

"You and ... Billie" she said scared of what my reaction was gonna be. "No wonder that's why people were looking at me like that." I mumbled to myself but I guess agatha heard it.

"Are you okay?" She said worried. "You're pale!" She said, and it all went blurry as hell.

I woke up on my bed with a throbbing head ache. Like no kidding my head hurts so bad I just wanna sleep the whole year. I would probably do that. I closed my eyes again, trying to sleep this headache out.

"You should have eaten you know?" A familiar voice said. I squinted my eyes to look over at the person. Billie. "Why The Fuck are you here, I can't be your fuckin' girlfriend right now" I said annoyed.

"Not here for that". She said shortly and giving me a blank stare, nice of her to come here but why The fuck was she cold as ever.

"I bought you these," she said handing me the soup. Wow, to see her be cold but actually care a bit, I think? Is priceless.

I smiled at her "oh, thank you" I said softly. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Can I use the bathroom real quick?" She asked. I nodded pointing over to the bathroom. What the fuck was that? Was that to dodge my question?

I finished my soup and this bitch hasn't still come out from the bathroom, the fuck is she doing in there. I was really cold so I decided to turn my ac down. I heard the lock or the bathroom door, means she's finally done. Fucking finally.

I was having chills and for fucks sake's, why now? Billie looked at me confused. "U good?" She said no emotion at all. Why is she this empty, I mean does she even feel shit?

She sat beside me placing her hand over my forehead, "cold?" She said no emotion again. I nodded. My eyes widened as she wrapped her arms around me. By my shock, I feel like she's never that person from what I see.

Still in her arms, I feel so comfortable, warm, happy, and I have this euphoric feeling I can't even describe, it's hard to point out. I just wish this hug lasted longer, I just wish this wasn't just a deal.

Even though she showed no emotion at everything except on camera, this still made me feel like she actually could care. I love this side of her, acting like she doesn't care but she does? Maybe it's gonna be hard to not fall for you then.

Before I knew it I fell asleep in her arms, and it was probably the best sleep I've had ever. You can't blame me the fuck?! I'm comfy.


I started writing for journal, even though I barely have any thoughts that I can write, at the same time, I can't stop about what happened to me and billie earlier, I started typing random words.

'i hate this.' I typed then erased it, 'do, I like you?' I typed and erased again. 'maybe I do' I typed then erased again.

'your smile, that blossoms beautifully across your face. Your arms that I wish I could always embrace, how I wish you were mine, I wish I could tell you, but at the same time... I couldn't because I know you wouldn't, like me the same way as I like you. It's sad but what I'm saying is true. ' I typed, I read what I have typed and got shoked at by what I've done just thinking of billie.

I think I'm falling. I don't really know if I am, because I'm doubting why in all people, I fall for you? For the person whom I think WOULDN'T be possible to call "me and you".


A/n: I don't know what the fuck came over me writing this chapter but I kinda like the last part;) I made that and you know I'm 14, and I haven't really write anything good, and Idk how college goes tbh with y'all, I just tried my best to pick it all up and build something and I wish it will be working. Anyways enjoy the next chapter. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

My Fake Girlfriend| billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now