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A note from my best friend.

There was this time Kady had come over and as soon as she rang the doorbell, everyone exclaimed "she's here." That's just how it was, endless bickering and suddenly crying about our families, laughing our lungs out, and then passing out on top of each other. Our cycle was never-ending, our friendship was unpredictable. And maybe it was infinite or maybe we were just intentionally oblivious, we never questioned it. In the end, we weren't looking for an answer, just each other. To soak it in before life struck its hand on us. I used to think soulmates were strictly romantic but were our souls intertwining a coincidence? Perhaps destiny. But more than anything, we chose each other over everything. It was a commitment.

-Kashish Ganda

My note to my best friend-;

you made me feel forever in the days we've spent together. nothing about any moment I've spent with you will ever be a regret. Until I met you, I had only ever experienced desire... love, never. You are my moral compass and you're the only person who allows me to be me... the most authentic version of me.

This book is a collection of my memories, my feelings, and my overwhelming desire to be something. I didn't believe I'd ever publish this because it was confusing and scary to pen down. I was terrified...of failing and wasting my time writing something I'm not good at.

This novel takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, making you experience the wonderful and the horrible.

It's the truth. The reality is that happy endings don't always imply that they end up together; happy endings indicate that they choose themselves first, even after fighting to be with one another. 

under the orange skyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ