Chapter 61-70

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Chapter 61 It's too windy

  "Third brother, mother-in-law can not only eat, but also clear heat and detoxify. It's been hot these days. Cooking water with mother-in-law is good for your health." Tong Annian didn't stop his movements, and looked up. them.

  "Does this mother-in-law have such an effect?" Tong Anqi looked at Tong Anyian in surprise.

  In fact, what surprised him was not only that the mother-in-law had the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, but also, when did Tong Anyian know about this?

  She has been sick in bed all the time. Tong Zhengyang is afraid that she will work too hard and has never taught her to read. She knows the role of her mother-in-law, how can she not be surprised?
  "Of course, it's not just the mother-in-law, but the dog's tail grass, morning glory, plantain, and cocklebur can also be used as medicine." Tong Anyian was not at all surprised by their doubts.

  She pointed to the wild grass that could be seen everywhere, and seriously explained to Tong Anqi and the others that Tong Anqi and the others had grown up mouths.

  Are these all weeds? And it can be seen everywhere, how can it be a medicinal herb?
  If it is really a medicinal material, will it be dug up sooner?
  However, looking at Tong Anyian's serious expression, it was difficult for several brothers to refute her.

  They looked at each other, needless to say, a few people started to help dig, whether it was true or not, they didn't want to refute Tong Anyian.

  Over the years, in order to fill their stomachs, they often go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables, so it is very handy to dig up.

  "Little sister, don't do it, go and play." Tong Anqi stepped forward and pulled Tong Annian up.

  "Hey, but Nian Bao'er also wants to help." Tong Annian pouted your dissatisfaction, and Tong Anqi smiled helplessly.

  "We're here. You don't need your help. If you're really bored, just hang around for a while and don't run away."

  Tong Anqi pointed to the surrounding environment. The place they were in was very flat and not a dangerous place. Moreover, they were on the periphery, so Tong Anqi let them play with confidence.

  "Little brother, let's go over there and have a look?" Tong Annian watched for a while, and seeing that they all started to dig, he had nothing to do with himself, got up and pulled Tong Anle and Tong Ankang to zero and said that there was something. place to go.

  Zero just said there was something, but didn't say what it was, so Tong Anyian was a little cautious.

  "Sister, sister, look what that is!" Tong Anle excitedly pointed to the white flower in the grass nest in front of him.

  "Wild eggs, little brother, there are also here." Tong Annian took a wild egg in one hand and watched Tong Anle smile happily. The two put the wild eggs in their clothes, but their clothes were too small to pick up the wild eggs. Finish.

  They only took what they could, and then carefully went to Tong Anqi and the others.

  Tong Annian: "..." I said, it would be better if you just tell me that there are wild eggs in it, I thought it was something terrible.

  Zero: "..." Master, I only know that you like rich things, and these things are not valuable, so I didn't say that in detail.

  Tong Anyian: "..." What if I want to hit someone?
  Zero: "..." I'm sorry master, the wind was too strong, and Zero didn't hear anything.

  Tong Anyian's mouth twitched slightly, this guy is too pitiful! Is it really good for a system to be so user-friendly?

  "Big brother, second brother, come and see, what have we and my sister found!"

  Several brothers gathered around and were very happy to see the wild eggs in their clothes.

  "Wild eggs, it turned out to be wild eggs, and there are still so many." Tong Anhe cried out excitedly.

  They have come out so many times, but they have never picked up so many wild eggs.

  "Big brother, there are many more over there." Tong Anyian pulled Tong Anqi's sleeve and pointed to the place where they picked up wild eggs just now.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 62 Ye Chrysanthemum

  "Big brother, I'll take you there." Tong Anle ran forward with short legs, they dropped the things in their hands and hurriedly followed.

  They were very happy to see those wild eggs. Tong Anqi spread a layer of weeds under the basket and carefully put the wild eggs one by one.

  After that, he let the three little guys play on the side, and the others continued to dig the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law in this piece is very good. Even if the method mentioned by Tong Anyian is useless, it can still be used for cooking.

  Tong Annian sat there bored, pouting her chin and watching them dig her mother-in-law, thinking about what other medicinal herbs could be useful here, she wanted to keep everyone in the family healthy.

  Just giving them ginseng is not a solution, and ginseng can't be eaten every day, so they still need some other medicinal materials to condition their bodies.

  "Master, there are wild chrysanthemums in front of them. It's best to make tea." Zero opened her mouth to remind her.

  "Wild chrysanthemum, I picked it and brought it home to dry and make tea. The family can drink it all year round." Tong Annian thought about it, and picking some wild chrysanthemums is a good choice.

  Moreover, the rhizomes and leaves of wild chrysanthemum are also medicinal.

  "Brother Fifth, Brother Six, let's go pick flowers." Tong Anyian took his two five-year-old twins and walked to the place where there were wild chrysanthemums.

  "Little sister, don't go too far." Tong Anqi looked up at them.

  "Got it, big brother."

  When he got there, looking at a field of wild chrysanthemums, Tong Anyian opened his mouth, so many, when will they be picked?

  However, the growth of these wild chrysanthemums is gratifying. After so much drying, they should be able to buy some money. If nothing else, it is still ok to buy some meat to eat.

  "Little girl, what do you want these for?" Tong Ankang whispered, there are many of these flowers up the mountain, but it's useless. Compared with these flowers, they prefer to pick more wild vegetables to feed their stomachs, so few people come. Pick these flowers.

  Why is Tong Anyian smiling so happily when he sees these flowers, so strange!
  "Fifth brother, this is not a wild flower. It is called wild chrysanthemum. You can make tea after picking the flowers and drying them. Its roots and leaves can be used as medicine."

  Tong Annian stretched out his hand to pick wild chrysanthemums and explained to Tong Ankang , the movement is not slow at all.

  "Can wild chrysanthemum also be used as medicine?" Tong Ankang continued to ask, and Tong Annian turned to look at him. Unexpectedly, her fifth brother was actually quite interested in medicine.

  Tong Anyian was thinking, if he is really interested in medicine, should he find an opportunity for him to study it?
  Even if you can't become a genius doctor, it's good to learn some simple treatments. At least if your family members are sick, he can help you.

  "Well, the flowers and leaves of wild chrysanthemum can be used as medicine, which has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling wind and dissipating heat, and can also dispel silt and improve eyesight. Just drinking the water of wild chrysanthemum has many benefits for the body. !"

  Tong Annian explained to Tong Ankang seriously that Tong Ankang was serious, and at the same time looked at Tong Annian with admiration, he felt that his sister was so powerful that she knew so much.

  "Little girl knows a lot at such a young age." The sudden voice startled the three little guys.

  Looking at the sound, it was a burly man. Although his face was handsome, there was a scar on the left side of his face, which looked a little scary.

  He also had hunted pheasants and hares hanging from his waist.

  "Master, there is no malice in this person." After zero perception, he said a word to Tong Anyian, and there was no sound.

  "Hello uncle, I'm Nian Bao'er, they are my brother, uncle, are you hunting here?" Tong Anyian tilted his head and looked at him.

  "Yeah, but there are beasts in the mountains, and you children are very dangerous in the mountains." He looked at Tong Annian's cute appearance, and his expression softened a lot.

  (End of this chapter)

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