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1 Month Later

Oct 13, 5:43 PM

Yeji's P.O.V

Its been a month since I saw Yeonjun kissing Ji Woo and ever since then, I've felt...


I stopped speaking to Yeonjun and I'm not sure if he cares because he hasn't texted nor called me and it feels like a slap in the face, he's probably enjoying his time with Ji Woo.

I never ever thought I'd like Yeonjun, yup, I've concluded around this past month that I am certainly in love with him. I talked to my friends about this and Yuna says and I quote, "Unnie there are plenty fish in the sea, you just suck at fishing."

So because of this unexpected heart break, i've become friends with Minju, not that I have a choice. She's so incredible at making me feel reassured, anyway we hang out sometimes but I keep my guard up because I don't completely trust her.

Taking a deep breath, I turn over to see Ryujin coming in the room with two sandwiches in a plate, "Here, you need to eat something" She says while she places the plate of sandwiches on my nightstand, "I don't feel too hungry" That was the full truth, trust me I was sad about Yeonjun kissing another girl and it did break my heart but I am not going to starve myself because he doesn't give me love and affection.

Thats so utterly stupid to me.

"Are you sure?" Ryujin questions, "They're really good, Tzuyu taught me how to make them" Shaking my head, she sighs before leaving the plate and joining me in my bed.

"You should get out of the house Yeji, you can't just stay in your bed all day" Turning around to face her I respond, "I wasn't in my bed all day, I just took a nap, your acting as if I'm tearing my life apart" Okay this was a lie, Besides Lia, now all of my friends, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Yuna know that if I rant a lot, it means I'm lying.

"Its fine, we can stay in bed and watch Netflix!" Ryujin says casually as she goes to get her computer, smiling, I get a bit of excitement and we end up spending most of our evening watching TV Shows.


Yeonjun's P.O.V


I can't believe she just kissed me like that!

Its been a month and I can't stop thinking on how stupid I am to actually...

I need to calm down, I've been angry ever since that day and I just feel so utterly disgusted.

Apparently Ji Woo brought me home and yes I did wake up in her room but I didn't see her in the morning, I saw Jung Eun in the kitchen when I was walking out of the house and she scowled at me.

I didn't bother asking where Ji Woo was, I'm pretty sure she was going to a job interview, I'm not sure but I don't give a fuck.

I really want to yell at her and let all my anger out on her, she took advantage of me.

But I also full heartedly blame myself for 'trusting' her and going to drink with her, that was so idiotic of me.

Squeezing my eyes shut, Beomgyu walks in my room, "You still angry?" Nodding silently, I take a seat on my bed with my hands together, trying to calm down. "Its seems that really hurt you I guess, I've never seen you this mad with a girl before" He says while he looks around my room.

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