𝔻𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖

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"Wake your lazy ass up" Rubbing my eyes, soon the hardships of waking up faded away as I shortly after focused my attention on a cat look alike. "Yeji, leave me alone, its summer" Groaning, I turn away from her and cuddle myself into my sheets but she didn't give up so easily, "Your mom said she'd drag you out of bed herself if you don't get up to take out the trash" Sneered Yeji. Finally sitting up, I give a glare her way before the brunette skipped away, "I swear I should of left you sleeping on that bench years ago".

Walking downstairs, I'm greeted by the sight of my mother cooking breakfast and Yeji sweeping up the floor. "Yeonjun you should learn from Yeji" There comes the lecture, Yeji's always been praised by my mom and I hate it. Not only did things around my house change but Yeji changed, a whole lot, She used to be timid and quiet but now she dyed her hair, has a tattoo and goes partying every weekend either with her friend Lia( who just came back from Canada) or someone else, typically a boy.

After taking out the trash, the door bell rings, "Nooo, your friends are here, I was hoping on inviting Lia over since she just came back" Smirking I turn towards Yeji and imitate her, "Please can you guys get out of the house" Rolling my eyes I shook my head before heading to the door. Soobin smiled and shortly after entered the house, "Oh thank god its just you" Shaking my head I invite the others in. Laughing at the way she glared at me, me and friends walked away to my room and she was left there sulking.

Once we entered my room Beomgyu cursed, "Whats got you so mad" Kai asked whilst he laid on my bed. "My famous parents, don't want me hanging out with random girls anymore, they say I've grabbed too much attention from the public and now they're saying either I get a girlfriend or I stop seeing girls" Beomgyu cutely pouts at the end of his rant and that's how you know he 's more upset than angry. "Your seriously mad because your parents said 'hey son why don't you stop breaking girls hearts', really Gyu" When Beomgyu nods Taehyun sighs adding an eye roll to his frustration.

"Whatever, what am I going to do" I look at beomgyu with an 'are you joking?' look and he shook his head, "Why are you being so dumb" Taehyun said but Beomgyu was quick to fire back. "Your one to talk, you're still in love with that girl even though you guys broke up 2 years ago" Soobin sternly looked at Beomgyu basically asking him to keep his mouth shut while Taehyun was probably planning his murder.

"Why are we even arguing, hyung pass me the remote" Kai questioned obviously relaxed, the kid has no problems same goes for me, oh no wait Yeji is a pain. Soon Beomgyu lets out a huge gasp, "I have a plan, what if I find a girl I won't get bored of and until I graduate, I can ghost her" Everyone and I mean everyone in this room thought Beomgyu was absolutely crazy. "My guy, just accept the fact that you're going to have to be in a committed relationship or have no intimacy with anyone until you graduate" Kai declared whilst he watched his tv show.

"Since when did you have so much knowledge about this kind of stuff" Soobin asked now on his phone. "I met this girl at a cafe at the beginning of summer and now we're friends, she's good at girl advice" smirking I get closer to Kai, "Who's the girl" I slyly asked, "Don't even try unless you wanna catch a case" raising my eyebrow I asked another question. "Are you telling me she's a minor", "Yes hyung, her name is Jang Won-young and she's 17" Soobin tried to stifle his laughter as I back away from Kai.

It was silent and then everyone started laughing, we literally had doubled over in laughter, I heard a faint shout from downstairs, "Guess my mom finished breakfast, who wants to go get some for all of us" I asked while I tried putting on a cutesy face. When no one said yes, I rolled my eyes and started standing up to go get it but Soobin interrupted me, furrowing my eyebrows, Soobin proceeded to speak. "I'll go get it don't worry" Soobin muttered, nodding, I let him go and sat back down.

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