Instead of fighting, I concede, "Okay."

At least, until I remember something.

"Wait, maybe I can concentrate and figure out where they are!" I think aloud.

"Do you think you can do that without exhausting your energy for later on?" Erwin questions.

"It doesn't hurt to try. We could avoid any extra casualties in the crossfire and we'd have the advantage in creating a fighting strategy. Honestly, the pressure in my head is quite unbearable; it feels like there are five different versions of Eren here, but I don't know how that's even possible!" The words vomit out of my mouth.

Before I can even catch myself, the words slip from me, "Erwin this is a really bad idea—something is really wrong here but I can't tell what it is." I express with hands over my head, crouching in distress.

The plethora of unknown familiarities in this city alone is beyond comprehension. All of these auras are recognizable, but I don't know why. I've never met so many strong aura's in my life, and the only image I have in my head is the webbed cracking across the boat's glass every time I feel the pressure in my head increase. Why are these feelings imploding all at once? Who are these people, and why do I know them?!

"Are you able to stand, Kaisa?" Erwin's voice cuts through the dissonant thoughts.

"There are four other titans other than Eren here, and all of them are stronger than us." My words are softer than I intend, and I don't realise that I've spoken until I hear my own voice ring in my head.

One hand leaves the top of my head as I lift my eyes to the city once more, pointing towards a direction, "He's the first to die."

I've never seen a bleeding mark above someone's head before, but for some reason, I know exactly what it means.

Erwin's voice changes with interest, "And how do you know who you're pointing at?"

I keep my thoughts to myself, "Intuition."

It's not exactly a lie, but it's definitely true by omission..

Standing up, Erwin helps me keep my balance before using his free hand to squeeze my shoulder, "I have no doubts of Humanity Tempest's intuitions. Head over to Levi and make sure Eren gets out of there without any issues."

"Don't die while I'm gone, Erwin." I bid my farewell before stepping off the edge of the wall, free falling before deploying my gear.

Surprisingly, there are no titans in Shiganshina. My brows crease as I swing through the rooftops with ease—how is it possible that they are located within Wall Rose and further into the interior, but no bodies remain here?

Wanting to conserve my gas, I glide myself down across the rooftops, jumping between them like I used to as a child. It's almost nostalgic even with all the destruction, but at least one thing has stayed the same: the unreliable tiles on rooftops. My boots slide against the broken shingles and my hands are slightly irritated by the rough edges, but anything is better than running out of gas mid-fight.

While monitoring my breathing, the concerning questions I have only raise more suspicions. There is no steam anywhere in the city, and as such, there haven't been any titans here that have been killed recently. How can there be such a small physical presence of titans, but such a strong aura surrounding this city? What am I missing?!

Trekking the last 400 meters to the wall, I catch sight of my three kids searching the walls. Thankfully, none of them have a mark above their heads and I shoot my hook into the wall underneath Levi's place. Pressing on my gas, I turn to look at the man with a red mark and notice the four other people around him have the same curse above their heads. My chest screams at me to say something and to intervene, but Levi's words from late last night helps me keep my mouth shut. Levi is right; I can't interfere and play God. I can't save everyone. I just need to make sure that our kids make it out okay.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon