Final A/N

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Hello everyone!

It saddens me to say, this journey is at it's end. I may still occasionally post chapters here, but I'll mostly be moving on the to new book I talked about making in the last chapter! It's called "The New Generation". The first chapter is already up!

It's going to be centered around the Madrigal kids, though to be honest I need to go back through and track how much time has passed to reconfirm the ages of all the characters.

It's been a lovely time with all of you, and I hate to see this fic end. Still, I don't intend to stop writing! If anyone has requests for new books they would like me to start up as well, in a separate universe from this one, comment what it is!

I'm never going to write smut on this account, but I will write x readers for pretty much everyone except Antonio or Abuela, since I'm too lazy to work out the logistics of aging everyone up or down for that. 

AU's are welcome as well! In general, I'm just going to write pretty much whatever passes through my mind. 

Thank all of you for reading this, and goodbye, for now!

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum