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Bruno's POV

No no no no no- had Y/n seen the vision? She didn't have much of a reaction, so he didn't think so..

"Knock knock knock knock knock, knock on wood," he muttered, tapping the posts along his stairs as he went down to meet Mama. The vision was obscured in his ruana, but his pockets weren't big enough to conceal it completely. Bruno just had to hope Mama wouldn't ask.

When he reached the bottom of the steps, Mama was standing next to his bed, looking at the bag on it. Bruno assumed these were the clothes Y/n had mentioned- and that he had been too stutter-y to thank her for. He would have to apologize later.

"These are from Y/n?" asked Mama. 

"Um, yes, she went into town today," Bruno replied, unsure what Y/n had to do with what Mama wanted. 

"You have to stop letting her pretend," said Mama in a disapproving voice.

"P-pretend?" Bruno didn't understand.

"Pretend she is one of us! We only keep her here because she has nowhere else to go, and it would look bad if we cast her out! But you treat her like she is special, when there is really nothing special about her. It needs to stop." 

Mama had never said things like this before, not outright. Bruno hadn't known she even felt that way anymore, since Mirabel opened her eyes to imperfections.

And he didn't like this side of her.

"Mama, I don't understand. Y/n is my best friend, and the kids see her like an aunt-" Bruno tried to protest.

"Nonsense! She is not part of our family. The time you two are spending together is concerning. You should be more focused on your visions, trying to help those who really matter!" Mama's voice was loud, and echoed throughout the room. 

Knowing Y/n was in his vision cave, Bruno was not going to stand for this. 

"She is part of our family! Who else would she be? I love spending time with her, and as much as I regret leaving her for all those years, I never regretted leaving you." Once Bruno had said it, he was shocked at himself. 

He didn't know how much truth was in his words, but Mama believed every bit of it because of the fury that had flashed in his eyes.

She swallowed, calming herself and keeping her face neutral. "We will discuss this another time. For now, what does your new vision show?" She gestured to the half-concealed tablet in his ruana.

All of Bruno's bravery vanished. "Uh- it's- it's not- nothing important-" he stuttered.

Mama put her hand out, expecting to be handed the tablet. In a desperate attempt at keeping it hidden from view, he held it tightly to his chest. Mama wouldn't like this vision, he was sure.

"Give it to me, Bruno. You shouldn't be hiding things so soon after your return," Mama said coldly.

"I also d-don't think I should show you this." Bruno was sure his ears were red, but luckily his face didn't feel hot. "I simply looked into my own future, not that of the family."

Mama sighed. She seemed to have realized Bruno was not so easy to bend to her will as he had been when he was a child. "Very well, keep your vison. But do not be surprised if I become the one to stand in your way." And with that, she left Bruno's tower.

(A/N: I know I'm making Abuela a villain of sorts in this, but I need a kind of opposition for this plot and there isn't really one in the movie so- yeah.)

Bruno sighed in relief, and slid the tablet under his pillow as Y/n began to descend the stairs. She looked like she had been crying, but she wasn't now.

"Y/n, I'm so-" Before Bruno could apologize, she had walked over to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"You defended me," she said. "I didn't think you would.."

Bruno was surprised. Y/n really thought he wouldn't stand up for her? "Of course I did.. You're my best friend. You belong here as much as any of us."

Y/n pulled away from the smile, smiling slightly. "Thank you, osito. That means a lot."

Bruno wasn't quite sure what to say. He wasn't used to much thanks. "U-um, by the way, I forgot to thank you for the clothes," he said, changing the subject clumsily.

Y/n smiled, and for a moment Bruno couldn't breathe. Just a moment ago, she had looked so emotional and sad, but now she was back to how she always was, happy without effort. That smile reminded Bruno of so many memories, the ones he had wished he could make more of when he watched you and the family through the gaps in the walls.

And now he could. And he wasn't going to miss that opportunity.

"Um, how about we go see about lunch? It's past noon," he said. He was right, of course. He had always had a good sense of time, even with no sunlight in his tower and only one clock.

"Sure, that sounds good. Julieta might have made something," Y/n said.

Bruno stopped her before she could walk out towards the kitchen. "Or- maybe- if you want- we could go out somewhere? As a thank you for- um- the clothes." Bruno was certain now that his face was at least a little red, but hoped Y/n wouldn't notice.

She smiled, tilting her head slightly the way she always did when he said something she found funny. "Sure, why not. Where do you have in mind?"

Bruno shrugged. "It's a surprise," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her out of his tower and towards the front doors of the Casita.

He didn't look back at her, so he didn't catch how she blushed when their hands made contact. But he did remember the tablet under his pillow, depicting him holding her close, their lips together.


A/N: Hiii, I just wanted to say I'm sorry this was all Bruno and not much Y/n, I just wanted to show both sides of the story- I also now realize I kinda start all of these A/Ns the same way. So, sorry if it gets repetitive.

Also, I want to say thank you for the comments I've gotten, I love hearing from you guys! I'm so happy you're enjoying the story, and I hope you understand how happy it makes me that this book is getting any views at all. See you in the next chapter!!! 

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