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A/N: I just wanted to let yall know, I never expected the story to get this dark and it won't stay this way for long- Diego's just in a silly goofy mood right now.


Bruno stepped out of the painting hole, throwing the knife back into it, far from the edge. 

"Get away from my family."

Diego was shocked, and he could see defeat was coming. "I can always come back for you. If there's one thing I can do, it's turn people against you. You won't be able to beat me forever." He tried to sound as confident as ever, by there was a waver in his voice.

"No, no you can't. Because you won't have your gift much longer," replied Bruno.

Diego laughed, to Bruno's surprise. "Now I know you're bluffing. You can't take my gift. It's a part of me! I found Encanto, battered and tired, and fell flat in the dirt. Turns out I was lucky enough to accidentally consume a part of your miracle by the river. Even if you somehow had a way to remove power, I would be exempt from that."

Bruno hadn't known this. How Diego had gotten his power wasn't revealed to him by his visions, probably since it was in the past.

"That won't matter," Bruno said. "Because we have the whole miracle here."

At his words, Casita began to shudder and shake. Isabela and Dolores cried out in shock and fear, but Bruno remained calm. Instead, he summoned his power to him. He hadn't ever tried to do this without his good luck charms, but he was confident in his abilities now.

As smoke began to encircle Bruno, Diego, and Y/n, who had passed out by this time, Bruno's eyes glowed emerald. He could feel Casita's power, ready to help him. All he needed to do was be a vessel for it. 

And as Bruno pointed at Diego, feeling power surge through his body as he never had before, a vision came to him. This was different from his normal visions, though. Time seemed to stop, and everything around Bruno froze. He stopped in surprise, watching a man walk through the smoke. 

A man he had only seen in pictures, the man he had wanted to meet his whole life.


The man smiled sadly. "My Bruno."

"H-how are you here, what's going on?"

"Don't worry. Diego will soon meet his fate. I simply took advantage of our brief merging to talk to you, if only for a moment."

"What do you mean.." but Bruno was already piecing together his words.

"I've always been here, Bruno. The miracle couldn't restore me, but it gave me a chance to watch you grow," Bruno's father scanned Bruno, looking him over, at the man he'd become. "I've never been so proud."

Papa walked closer, reaching out as though to touch Bruno, but he simply passed through him. He sighed. "Our time is coming to a close. Just remember, Bruno, our family is strong. Do not think they cannot be relied on."

Tears came to Bruno's eyes. "No- Papa wait! I have so many questions.."

But his father was already fading before his eyes. "You will find the answers in time, Bruno. I love you.." His voice trailed off as he disappeared. Time slowly began to go back to normal, and Bruno understood the meaning of his father's visit. He had to focus now, and complete the task at hand.

He placed his hand back to where it had been at the beginning of the vision, transitioning seamlessly back into reality. He knew nobody but him knew what had just happened. He would tell his sisters and mother later.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now