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Santiago was sitting in his room, wide awake. 

He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all night, clutching his teddy bear in the room that had been all his since his older sister got her gift.

Today was his gifting day, though, and he wasn't sure at all what would happen. He watched the sun come up through his window as the minutes ticked by.

Finally, a voice came from outside the nursery, calling him down for breakfast. Santiago hopped out of bed, Casita tossing on his slippers for him as he headed down the stairs. 

When he reached the table, Marco wasn't there yet, but the rest of the family was. He was uncomfortable aware of all eyes on him as he got his food and sat down. He figured it was just because today was his gifting day, until Mirabel spoke up.

"Santiago- are you feeling okay? I hate to say it, but you look awful." Santiago's cousin was always the one to point it out when something was wrong with him, though in this case, everyone had noticed.

"I'm alright," he said, taking his seat at the table. "I just didn't sleep too well last night."

Several glances were shot at Dolores as Santiago began to eat, who just shrugged and mouthed "I was asleep."

Soon enough, Marco joined the family, and by then everyone had sat down and begun eating in silence.

"Woah, it's gloomy in here," Marco said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," said Santiago. "Everyone's just worried I didn't rest well enough.

Eventually, Marco and Camilo together managed to put everyone back in a cheery mood, and plans were made over breakfast as to how things would look for the ceremony.

Since it was a special day and they couldn't exactly have him exhausted, the adults decided to let Santiago have just one cup of coffee, and tea after that. It helped boost his energy a lot, and he actually found himself more excited than nervous for tonight.

This ceremony wouldn't be decorated like most of the others. Instead of Isabela being put in charge, it was Luisa. She hung giant brass plates from the roof tiles, each carved with depictions of clouds, moons, and stars. They were intended to shine in the lantern light as the ceremony progressed.

Santiago had always felt most calm at night. Seeing the likeness of the moon up on those reflective metal surfaces soothed his nerves, making him feel much better.

Hours flew by in a blur of planning, decorating, and cooking, and soon enough Santiago was in his all white outfit, ready to walk down the aisle to his soon to be door.

He wasn't extremely confident in how well he would do in front of the whole village, but he knew that tonight, he would be surrounded by family. Plus, his friend Maria would be attending, and she was always helpful when he got nervous.

Santiago was pacing in the curtained-off room as his parents and siblings entered to wish him good luck. 

"Hey Santiago, how're you feeling?" asked Marco.

"I'm alright," he replied, fidgeting with the edge of his sleeve.

"Mhm," said Clara noncommittally. 

Dolores poked her head into the room. "It's time," she said, giving Santiago a reassuring look before disappearing again.

His siblings exited the room first, then his mother, placing a kiss on his cheek.

Before his Papa left, though, he sprinkled a little salt into his hand. "For good luck," said Bruno. Then, he turned around and left as well.

Santiago was left alone as the crowd outside fell quiet.

Just before the curtains opened, Santiago took a deep breath, then stepped forwards, throwing the salt over his shoulder.

Once the curtains opened, revealing Santiago to the town, a spotlight focused on him. He squinted away from the light, uncomfortable with all the silent staring. Still, he forced himself to go onwards, pressing on until he reached his Abuela, who was holding the candle.

Once she had given her speech on keeping the miracle safe and using it for good, Santiago reached out and touched the candle, feeling it's textured surface for a long moment before his Abuela pulled it away.

He was left facing his door, which had a banner over it reading "Felicidades!". He took a deep breath, reaching forward with one hand and touching his doorknob. As he did, fiery orange light spread across the wood, forming an image before everyone's eyes.

It showed Santiago, holding a pillow to his chest with clouds, stars, and a large full moon above his head. 

"Wow," breathed Santiago. "That's amazing."

Santiago could feel the heaviness in his tired bones lifting as the moonlight that had been flooding the courtyard reached him. He somehow knew what his gift was, even without using it. The answer was just.. there,

"Dreams.." he murmured. "I can.. make people fall asleep.. then see their dreams."

It all seemed unreal. That such an incredible power was his was beyond what he could comprehend. It was a full moon that night, and Santiago felt sure that his power relied on the moon phases.

"Santiago turned and opened his door, gasping as he saw the room inside.

It had a grey-blue color scheme, with thick carpet along the floor and dark walls spattered with paint to look like stars and galaxies. Little clouds suspended by ropes or held on platforms formed a staircase to a midair bed, covered in what looked like the fluffiest white comforter ever. 

Santiago loved it instantly.

Once everyone had poured inside, music started playing, and Santiago began trying his power. A line of volunteers appeared quickly, and as they fell asleep on his thick carpet, Santiago received what appeared to be blue glass tablets, which showed a live feed of their dreams.

Maria came to Santiago's side as well, and after everyone who wanted to be put to bed was done, she dragged him onto the dance floor with her.

The two started to dance, and the adults and older kids around them smiled at the two five-year-olds having the time of their lives to this music.

Eventually, though, the fun had to come to an end, and the villagers slowly began to head home.

Santiago didn't feel tired, but when his parents made him climb into his bed, he immediately felt his eyelids grow heavy.

After a minute, Santiago was fast asleep.

That night, Y/n and Bruno fell asleep in each other's arms, smiling and whispering until they were both deep asleep, softly laughing about the party.


A/N: There you have it, folks! All three gift ceremonies! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I fell asleep and forgot. But here's this now. I'll likely be doing some more daily life stuff, especially with kids, but let me know if there's any specific events or plots you'd be interested in! See yall later!

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon