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"Clara! Marco! Santiago! It's time for breakfast!" Y/n called up the stairs. Three jumbled responses called back to her, and she went to get her own food. 

Four years had passed since Bruno and Y/n had gotten married, and they were happy with three children, just like the other two Madrigal triplets. However, by the time they were married Y/n and Bruno had been unable to conceive, and they had decided to adopt instead. Now, they had a five year old, a four year old, and a three year old. 

Today was going to be Marco's gifting ceremony. After breakfast, everyone was bustling around busily, preparing. Isabela grew flowers and vines all over the courtyard, Julieta was cooking everything anyone could want, Dolores was choosing the soundtrack, and Abuela was.. well, grumpy.

She was the only one who hadn't approved of Bruno and Y/n's choice to adopt, though she wasn't as vocal about the opinion now. She had once, after the kids had gone to sleep, said that she wasn't sure the magic would work for them. Y/n had to be calmed down by Bruno, and both of them never quite forgave her for that.

Now, though, they were too focused on preparing the celebrations to care about that. Y/n was talking to Marco himself, helping him get ready, and Bruno was doing whatever he could to help elsewhere, be that holding a ladder for someone or running after one of Antonio's animals who was trying to eat the flowers.

Finally, the hour came where people began arriving for the ceremony. The entire town had been invited, and Felix and Pepa greeted them as they walked into the Casita. Julieta and Agustin were laying out the food, to have it ready for the post-ceremony celebrations. Dolores was standing near the music player, making sure everything was running smoothly. Luisa and Isabela were chatting by the staircase, and Mirabel was with Camilo and Antonio, trying to steal bits of food. Inevitably, though, Julieta caught them.

Meanwhile, Bruno, Clara, and Santiago were hyping up Marco behind a curtain. 

"This will be a day to remember," said Y/n to her oldest son, smiling. 

"You're going to make us proud," added Bruno. "And then, we can eat Tia Julieta's food and watch Camilo dance, hm?"

Marco smiled at the thought. He always enjoyed spending time with his family, though he didn't like the spotlight much. Still, he told himself he could get through tonight, and he would. 

Mirabel popped her head into the room. "It's time," she said.

"You'll do great, Marco," said Y/n as they parted ways. Clara and Santiago went to join the crowd to watch, and Bruno and Y/n stood behind Abuela at the top of the stairs.

Once the curtains drew back, Marco stood in the spotlight. His eyes matched his mother's, but besides that, everyone was surprised at how much he suddenly looked like Bruno had on his gifting day.

Y/n subconsciously grabbed her husband's hand, smiling slightly as their son approached and began to climb the stairs. 

Once Marco reached the top, he looked up at his abuela. She looked down at him, and recited the same thing she did at every ceremony about using the magic for good things and helping those around them. Marco agreed, then Abuela offered him the candle.

He touched it with both hands gently, then Abuela stepped back and watched as he stepped towards his door. He glanced at his parents, who were both smiling proudly at their son, then he touched the doorknob. 

The door began to glow brightly, and familiar lines of light began to create a drawing on the door. It depicted Marco with his arms spread, his eyes open, and fog swirling around him.

Marco didn't feel much different, but looking at the portrayal of himself made him happy. He looked at his parents again, smiling this time. 

"What's the gift?" came a voice from the audience. Everyone else was dead silent, so the question seemed to hang in the air.

They were all looking at him. They were all expecting something, and Marco didn't know what to do. He froze up, fear clouding his mind. As he did, though, an actual cloud seemed to sink into the courtyard. Everyone looked to his Tia Pepa, but she put her hands up. "This isn't me!" she said.

Everyone looked back at Marco. "Mist.." he said. "I can make.. mist?"

Abuela was looking at him. She looked... disappointed? Maybe she had expected a more flashy gift, like Luisa's or Isabela's. Never had Marco wished he could be in his cousin's place so much. As he wished, though, another wave of surprise crashed over the audience.

Suddenly, standing in front of them, was Luisa. This time, everyone looked to Camilo, and he shrugged.

"Illusions," breathed Marco. He wasn't sure how he knew. It was just a certainty, deep in his bones. "I can use mist to make.. illusions." 

There was a moment of silence. Then, the entire courtyard erupted into applause and celebration. 

People began to flood up the stairs, and Marco turned and opened the door into his new room. As he stepped inside, his breath was taken away by how beautiful it was. Pools of water went up the walls as far as he could see, cascading down the levels. At the bottom, a shimmering pool of clear water flowed, and there was a bridge onto an island over it. Water lilies floated on the water.

The island was stone, and covered in moss. His bed was suspended from the ceiling by long vines, and the mattress was large and soft. His blankets were a light blue, and he watched in awe as fish leapt into the air from inside the pool of water.

It was as though his dream room had come to life.

Once everyone was done admiring the room, the celebration began. Everyone was singing and dancing, eating and drinking, laughing and joking. Camilo and Mirabel stole the dance floor, everyone cheering as they spun around together then broke off to dance with their partners.

Everyone loved seeing them together. The two had been best friends as kids, since they were the same age, but once Camilo got a gift and Mirabel didn't, they had been forced apart by their new roles in the family.

Pepa and Felix were also excellent dancers, while Julieta and Agustin preferred to simple sway in time with the song on the edge of the dance floor. At one point in the night, Y/n had to basically drag Bruno onto the floor, to the cheers of the crowd. The two began to dance together, and at first it was mainly Y/n, spinning Bruno around and keeping his momentum going, but after a moment they were in sync, twirling around each other in perfect balance.

Still, despite all this, the focus was most certainly on Marco. He entertained everyone by creating fantastic visions, magical creatures flying above their heads and stories being accompanied by realistic images. Everyone celebrated the new gift enthusiastically, and for once Marco wasn't afraid to be the center of attention.

At the end of the night, the villagers heading home, and Marco fell asleep quickly in his new bed. He was exhausted after such a long night. His younger siblings headed to the nursery, and the rest of the family headed to bed, too. 

Bruno and Y/n fell asleep easily that night, proud of their son and looking forward to who he would grow up to be.


A/N: Hiya everyone! First of all, I want to say thank you for 8.8k reads!! This is way more than I expected, and I'm loving reading all of your comments. I may not reply to all of them, but I am reading them! I hope you're enjoying these later chapters. I wanted to ask, would you guys like to see the gifting ceremonies of the other two children, or would we like to skip along to a later time and simply learn about their gifts after the fact? Comment whichever you would prefer!

Happy reading, adios!

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