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It had been a week since the Casita was rebuilt, and everything was more or less back to normal, with a few changes for the better, of course.

Everyone's gifts had returned, and Isabela found herself free to grow whatever she wanted, no longer caring what people wanted her to be like. Dolores had finally gotten with Mariano, and they were very happy together. Mirabel got much more respect in the family, and Luisa was no longer scared to ask for help.

The biggest thing, though, was Bruno. Everyone was so glad to have him back. Y/n could tell he was surprised by how much of a positive reaction he got upon appearing to the family.

He was so happy to be surrounded by the family and included in things again, Y/n loved seeing him like that. Still, Bruno was quite the introvert, and it was often just the two of them in his tower or her room, talking or reading or simply doing their own solitary things in each other's presence. 

Through the peaceful times since everything happened, both Bruno and Y/n had done a lot of thinking about their feelings. And to the immense disappointment of the entire Madrigal family, they were both still in denial.

Despite that, whenever they fell asleep in each other's rooms, which happened quite often, they would be relentlessly teased about it in the morning. Bruno's shy nature was not accustomed to this, and he blushed furiously at every comment slipped their way. Y/n was a little better, but not much. 

This particular morning, Y/n and Bruno had fallen asleep next to each other reading, and they were woken up by Camilo busting in the door and shouting "PUT ON SOME CLOTHES AND GET DOWN TO BREAKFAST!"

Both of them were startled out of their sleep, and Y/n shot Camilo a dirty look that he sent back, unfazed, before disappearing out the door again. 

Bruno was still in a half- asleep state where he had barely heard what Camilo had said, much less understood it. Y/n shook him a little to get his brain working, then got up off his bed. "Camilo can be so-" She took a deep breath, trying not to talk smack about Dolores' brother when she could hear her.

"I agree, but he's funny sometimes," murmured Bruno sleepily.

"Eh. Sometimes. I'll leave you to get ready for breakfast," said Y/n. She left the room as Bruno waved, and went down to her own, changing into a light brown top and green skirt, subconsciously matching Bruno's preferred color scheme. 

As usual, Casita kicked her shoes on as Y/n walked out of the room and towards the dining room, where she grabbed her plate, then over to the food table, choosing her preferred breakfast food and sitting down at the table just as everyone else was doing the same. 

Camilo sat down at her left, and after a minute Bruno appeared at her right, just a bit later than everyone else as usual. He seemed nervous today for some reason, more fidgety than normal, but he didn't say anything, so Y/n left him alone.

Abuela sat at the head of the table, and was always looked to for anything important the family needed to know before beginning normal family conversation (or as normal as anything was in the family Madrigal). Today, she did have an announcement. 

"The first prophecy since the death and rebirth of our miracle has predicted that someone outside the Madrigal family will obtain magic before the end of the season."

The whole table was shocked into silence, even Camilo. 

Then everyone started talking at once.

"How can that be- Who will it be- What will happen- Will they be on our side- Can we trust them?"

Y/n simply looked at Bruno, surprised that he had had a vision and didn't tell her, but not really offended. Who was she to care when he used his gift? He would tell her what he wanted to tell her. Still, it was odd, since they normally told each other everything.

Abuela raised her hand and all the chatter stopped. "We do not know more yet, but Bruno is looking for clues as to what the future holds, and we will figure out what to do when the time comes."

Nobody seemed very satisfied by this answer, but nobody tried to get any more information.

Camilo decided to fill in the silence around the table. "Y/n and Tio Bruno were sleeping together again."

Without so much as a blink, Pepa, who was on the other side of her son, elbowed him in the side. 

"What? They were!"

Bruno was suddenly very interested in his breakfast, trying to hide his face, and Y/n simply rolled her eyes. 

The first time Camilo had said this, Y/n and Bruno had gotten extremely flustered and people had actually listened, acting as though it was a miracle they had finally gotten together, but after Y/n explained (Bruno was too busy hiding in his hood), they stopped bothering to even be surprised when Camilo said things like that.

After breakfast, everyone took their dishes to the kitchen then dispersed to do their own things around the house or in town. Y/n had been planning on going shopping for Bruno, since most of the things he owned were worn and dirty to the point that no washing can save them.

Y/n went into town, immediately heading towards a clothing shop. Bruno lived in the walls for ten years, and for ten years he had to sneak in and out of the house to do his laundry, so he didn't do it often.

Y/n browsed the shop for a little bit before coming across a few pairs of brown pants that she picked up to buy, then something caught her eye near the edge of the shop. 

A green ruana, the same shade Bruno's favorite one was in, except this one had flowers embroidered around the collar and the edges in a simple white thread. Y/n decided it was perfect for Bruno and picked it out too. 

After getting what she considered to be a sufficient amount of clothes, Y/n paid and left with her bag of things. On her way back to the Casita, she smelled chocolate. 

Chocolate wasn't common in Encanto, but it existed, and it was delicious. Y/n went over to the stall that was selling them and bought a bag to take home.

Once she got back to the Casita, Y/n stashed the chocolates in a cool place in the kitchen where they wouldn't melt, then went to sort out Bruno's clothes. She laid out all of the items she had bought, then folded them and put them back in the bag in such a way they wouldn't become messy again.

Y/n walked up to Bruno's tower, not sure if he was there, but carrying a note to fasten to the bag in case he wasn't. When she knocked, there was no response, so she pushed open the door and walked over to Bruno's bed to leave the bag. She tied the note to it, but heard something from the vision cave. 

Looks like Bruno's here after all, thought Y/n. She heard the wind she associated with visions stop, so she went over to the ladder and climbed it, reaching the entrance of the vision cave with ease and watching inside.

Bruno sat in the middle of a circle of sand, as usual, and held the vision tablet he always got as a record of what he had seen. Y/n could see Bruno himself in the image, and- was he- kissing someone? Weird..

"Hey Bruno, I-"

Bruno flinched so hard at her voice she though he might knock himself over. 

"Jeez, osito, you okay?" Y/n was genuinely concerned, and she walked closer. 

"Um- uh- yea- e-everything's fine, w-why do you ask?" Bruno attempted poorly to hide the vision. 

"You're acting pretty weird.. I just came up to tell you that I got you some new clothes in town.." It was strange to be watching Bruno try to hide something from Y/n. Normally he would show her whatever was on his mind and they would try to puzzle it out together.

"Oh- um- thank you.." Bruno hoped he didn't look too suspicious.. which he did.

Y/n was also so occupied wondering what Bruno was hiding from her that she didn't notice the intense blush that had spread over his entire face.

"Bruno? Are you in here?" Abuela's voice came from below them. 

"Coming, Mama," called Bruno. "Um, I'll be right back."

Bruno vanished down the stairs, leaving Y/n confused and slightly sad. Bruno kissing someone... she was happy for him.. right?

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now