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It was a regular morning with the Madrigals. Abnormally regular.

"Nothing interesting is happening," complained Clara, flopping down on Camilo's bed. 

"When we don't have drama, we make drama," said Camilo, sitting up and smiling slightly.

"What do you have in mind?" asked Santiago, looking up from the book he was reading across the room. Marco paused  in his cycle of throwing and catching a ball in the air.

Camilo shrugged. "I dunno, what sounds fun for us?"

"Ooh! What if we switched around the spices in the kitchen?" offered Clara.

"Mm," said Marco, not really liking the idea. "That would mean Tia Julieta would mess up our food, though."

"True," said Camilo. He had several ideas at all times on what to do, but he was training the young ones. He had to let them be creative.

"What if we hid from the adults? We would have to get Dolores not to tell, but it could be fun, " said Santiago thoughtfully.

"Ooo, I like it," said Camilo. "Where would we hide, though?"

"We could take the passages where Papa used to live," said Marco. "He doesn't go in there often nowadays."

"And we could have Marco cast illusions through the walls to throw them off!" said Clara excitedly.

"Alright, I like the ideas, but slow down," said Camilo with a smile. "We have to get Dolores to agree first."

And so, as a group, the cousins headed to Dolores' room. Camilo walked right in, starting to talk. "Dolores, we need you to not snitch-" he cut himself off as he saw Dolores wasn't alone.

Dolores sighed. "As long as it doesn't go on too long, I don't care." She had given up long ago on stopping her brother from messing with the family. She would use the same excuse every time, that she had been using her headphones to get some peace.

Standing next to Dolores, though, was Mirabel. "What are you guys doing?" she questioned.

"Oh, nothing," said Camilo with a smile, trying to back out the door.

"Nuh-uh, you're not getting away," Mirabel replied, darting to the door and standing in front of it before Camilo could escape.

"Whatever it is, today's been boring. I want in," she said.

"We're going to prank the adults!" piped up Santiago. He told Mirabel everything, and she told him everything in return. They were very close, especially for cousins. Still, youngest siblings unite, right?


"We're going to hide in the walls, like Papa used to," said Clara.

Mirabel pondered the idea for a minute, then she smiled. "Sounds fun. I'm coming with you guys."

"Perfect," said Camilo. "Let's go then!"

The group walked down the hallway, looking around. The coast was clear. As they reached one of the paintings that hid a way into the walls, Camilo turned to look at everyone. "None of you have any animals on you, right?"

Antonio hadn't been included in the whole idea, since he was in town right now. If anyone was carrying any little critters, though, he would surely inform the family of their whereabouts as soon as questions came up.

Everyone shook their heads, then Camilo turned around and stepped through the hole behind the painting. His cousins followed, and soon enough they were hidden in the secret hallways.

They spent a while wandering, making sure to mark their way, but exploring as far as they dared into the dark corridors. 

After about an hour or so, they could hear conversations happening outside the walls, about where they all were. Nobody was panicking yet, but Dolores said that she had been wearing her headphones and they could be in a crowd for all she knew when Y/n brought it up to her.

After another hour, Y/n began to be afraid. She searched all of Casita, finding them nowhere. She asked around in town, looking in all the dark corners and the shops she knew they liked to visit. Still, no success.

By the time lunch was over, Y/n was desperate. "Marco? Clara? Santiago?" she called through the Casita, her words echoing. 

Pepa was next to pick up on what was happening, then Julieta. Soon, all three moms were running around, trying to find their children. 

Eventually, the kids got bored of wandering inside the passages, and came to a room in the heart of the house, next to the dining room. It had a nice chair, facing away from the entrance, and overall didn't look like a bad place to hang out. 

When the kids entered, though, it was found the room wasn't empty. Someone stood up from the chair, turning around in surprise.

"Kids? What are you doing here?" asked Bruno, holding two rats in his hands, and another sitting on his shoulder.

"Uh-" said Marco, his mind going blank. Without the aid of his illusions, he was a terrible liar. And right now, he knew any illusion he made wasn't going to be convincing.

Camilo stepped in. "Just- exploring!" he said with a smile on his face.

Bruno was unconvinced as the names of the children standing in front of him could be heard through the walls.

"You're all in trouble, aren't you?"

Time skip

Once Bruno had gotten the kids out of the passages, he brought them to their mothers.

"You scared us to death!" scolded Y/n. Her kids knew they would be in trouble as soon as their mother calmed down enough to punish them.

"You're lucky I didn't tear the place down with wind!" said Pepa to her son.

"Mirabel, what were you thinking?" asked Julieta. Mirabel shrugged. 

"Camilo and the kids were planning a prank, and today has been boring," said Mirabel.

Julieta didn't approve. "Next time you're bored, play a board game or something," she said. Still Mirabel wasn't afraid of a harsh punishment. Her mom was a gentle soul (though still very firm when the situation merited it), and didn't get angry easily.

Camilo, Marco, Clara, and Santiago weren't so lucky.

Two weeks, agreed their moms. Grounded for two weeks. And extra chores, like helping Tia Julieta clean the dishes.

Once they all returned to Camilo's room, he shrugged with a small smile. "Well, as least it's not a month."

Then, a rock knocked on Camilo's window, and he quickly turned red and shooed his cousins out of the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

Santiago shrugged at his cousin's odd behavior and walked away, Clara and Marco exchanging small smiles before following their younger brother.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora