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"Bruno's tower? Why?" Y/n was completely thrown off balance by this shift in topics, her mind still trying to puzzle out the person in her walls.

"Luisa said that's where she would start, maybe we can find Bruno's last vision and use it to save the miracle!"

"And why do you need me for this?" Y/n was genuinely confused.

"Um.. well, I guess I could do it alone, but I don't know what to expect in there and you were Tio Bruno's best friend." Mirabel seemed to suddenly be rethinking her tactics here. "I just realized I never checked if you actually believed me about the miracle. I probably sound crazy right now."

"Maybe a little bit, but I do believe something is up with the magic. I'll come with you if you want me to."

Mirabel looked relieved. "I really do want you to- I don't know if I could do it alone."

"Alright then, are we going now?"

"Well, there's nothing we have to wait for, so let's go!" Mirabel led the way towards Bruno's tower, despite Y/n knowing the way very well. After Bruno had disappeared, she had often wandered, and found herself at his door, staring at the carvings that no longer glowed.

When they reached it, the door was exactly the same as Y/n had seen, devoid of any magic or signs of life. Y/n had never brought herself to go into the room after Bruno disappeared, but she had been in there before, so she was more prepared than Mirabel for the wall of sand that cascaded from above them.

"Um, Casita? Can you.. turn off the sand?" Mirabel asked the house.

The floors tiles outside the door clicked, using a kind of code to give a message. 

"Looks like Casita can't reach us in here," said Mirabel.

"Nope. Well, you wanna go first?" 

"Go first?" Mirabel really didn't seem to see what the logical next step was.

"Jumping through the sand- what else?"

"Um... no thanks. I'd rather see you do it first." Mirabel seemed nervous, which was fair, since she'd never done this before.

Y/n shrugged. "Alright then. Just make sure you follow me." And with that, Y/n jumped through the wall of sand, and down onto a soft pile of it below.

After a couple seconds of waiting, which Y/n assumed Mirabel had been using to get her nerves up, Mirabel followed, getting sand in her glasses and eyes.

"Oh- I probably should have warned you to keep your eyes shut tight." Y/n said apologetically.

"It's alright- it was mostly my glasses," said Mirabel, dusting herself off. "What now?"

"Now," said Y/n, "we climb."

Mirabel looked up, noticing the enormous staircase that went up as far as they could see, ending at a very distant peak.

"Oh dear," said Mirabel.

"Welp, let's get to it," replied Y/n. She had made this climb a few times before, but it had been a long time, and she knew she would be exhausted by the end of it.

So, Mirabel and Y/n started their ascent, soon becoming tired but pushing on towards the top.

Once they finally got there, they sat down heavily at the end of the stairs, then looked towards the next area- and there was a void. 

"What happened here?" muttered Y/n to herself. This gap in the rocks had never used to be there. It must have broken off and fallen during the years when no one came in here. "There's no way to cross-"

But Mirabel was ahead of Y/n. Having seen some jagged rocks above the cave entrance, she used the rope and wooden post that made up the guardrail for the stairs to make a sort of grappling hook. She tugged on it to test it, deciding it would have to do. 

"We shouldn't both go at once. I'll go first, but since the rope won't likely swing all the way back to you, you'll have to make your own," said Mirabel.

"I can manage that," replied Y/n, hiding her nervousness quite well.

"Alright then.. here goes nothing." Mirabel backed up a step, then holding onto the rope tight, swung across the chasm. She landed successfully on the other side, and Y/n cheered. 

"Nice job! I'll do the same then." Y/n replicated what Mirabel had done with the rope and post, but as Mirabel jumped a little in excitement that they were so close to their goal, the tip of the cliff broke off and feel into the void.

"Oh no-" Mirabel said "I'm so sorry! I think you can still make it, but I'll be here to catch you."

The newly larger gap did nothing to boost Y/n's confidence, but she wasn't about to give up. Taking a deep breath, she made the same jump as Mirabel, trying to time her letting go to make it onto the rock-

She let go-

She flew towards Mirabel-

She was so close-

And then her fingers missed the edge.

Just as Y/n's mouth opened to scream, a hand grabbed hers, and pulled her up. Mirabel really had been there to catch her, and Y/n had never been so grateful for that.

"Holy cow- that was too close-" breathed Y/n, her heart pounding and her breath heavy.

"You made it, though," said Mirabel, who was sprawled on the rock next to her, also breathing heavily. "Just- tell me when you're ready to keep going."

After a minute of laying there, which allowed the two to catch their breaths, they both sat up and started into the cave. 

Inside were random pieces of pottery, carvings along the wall depicting Bruno and his visions, and rats in the corners. Once Y/n and Mirabel entered, the rats scurried into the eyes and nostrils of a nearby carving, which were apparently a tunnel.

They reached a large round door, which was open. Inside was a big room with a circle of sand in the middle. Glowing in the sand were fragments of green.

"The vision- get the fragments! We can put them together to see what Bruno saw," said Y/n, rushing to dig out the pieces.

Mirabel quickly followed, but paused to fit together three pieces, then stared at it in shock.

"What?" asked Y/n. 

"It's- it's me..."

Y/n peered over her shoulder, to see it was in fact Mirabel in Bruno's vision. "I don't know what it means, but we have to collect the pieces to see the full picture. Come on, help me out."

As Y/n reached for the remaining green pieces, though, sand began to pour from the ceiling, burying them and filling the room. 

"Quickly! Hurry!" exclaimed Y/n. She and Mirabel grabbed all the pieces, stuffing them into Mirabel's bag, then hurried to the door. It was already partially blocked by sand, but they managed to get it open and get out.

Mirabel and Y/n looked at each other, then at the sand. "Let's get out of here," said Y/n, and Mirabel made no argument.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now