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Once Mirabel and Y/n got out of Bruno's tower, they almost immediately ran into Abuela. Luisa was there too, apparently having a breakdown about being weak-? She left almost as soon as they appeared, though.

Y/n had missed what was going on, but apparently Mirabel had something to do with it since Abuela turned to her and asked, "What did you say to her?"

"Nothing!" replied Mirabel. "She was stressed about her strength, it had nothing to do with me."

Abuela sighed, clearly not believing Mirabel but appearing too tired to care. "Whatever, just stay away from her until I can talk to her later." And with that, Abuela left as well.

"Come on, let's go to my room and see what we can figure out," said Mirabel.

Y/n nodded and followed her to the nursery, which was now just Mirabel, since Antonio had moved into his room the night of his gifting ceremony. Mirabel emptied her bag onto the top of a set of drawers, starting to piece the bits together to form a picture. "Tio Bruno could have made this a bit eas-"

Before they could assemble them completely, though, and before Mirabel could finish her sentence, Pepa entered the room with a cloud over her head. Mirabel quickly positioned herself so her aunt couldn't see the prophecy, and Y/n sat on the bed trying to look inconspicuous.

"Hola, Tia. Um, what brings you in here?" asked Mirabel.

"I came in here to get the last bits of Antonio's things he forgot, and then I heard the name, that we do not speak," she said, glaring at Mirabel on the emphasis.

"Um, well, Tia, I was just wondering, if you were in one of Tio Bruno's prophecies-"

"We don't talk about Bruno! You can't be in a prophecy anyways, he's gone."

"Well, yes, but hypothetically, is it generally a positive or negative-"

"We don't talk about Bruno!"

Felix burst into the room, apparently having heard the conversation. "Mi amor, they need to know! Bruno would always say something bad would happen, and then .... boom! It comes true. If you got a prophecy from him, you would have to ready yourself, because whatever he said was coming for you!"

"What if you didn't understand the prophecy?" Mirabel asked, confused and scared.

"Then you'd better figure it out quick-" started Felix, before Pepa interrupted him, starting to sing.

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no.. We don't talk about Bruno..." She got into a dancing position with Felix. "But! It was my wedding day-" The scenery around them became that of Pepa and Felix's wedding. Y/n sighed to herself, knowing this story already and how they would misremember it.

(A/N- Bold = Felix, Normal = Pepa, for their part)

"We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky- no clouds allowed in the sky! Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin- THUNDER! You telling this story or am I? I'm sorry mi vida go on.. Bruno says it looks like rain. Why did he tell us? In doing so he floods my brain.. Abuela get the umbrellas! Married in a hurricane! What a joyous day but anyway.."

They finished their verse singing in harmony, "We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no, we don't talk about Bruno.."

But you'll sing about him? thought Y/n with slight annoyance.

"Hey-" Dolores was suddenly there, changing the scenery around them once again, this time just to the courtyard in the Casita. She started to sing in a low, fast voice, looking oddly nervous"Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering and stumbling, I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling, I associate him with the sound of falling sand. Ch, ch, ch.."

Dolores continued her verse, but a movement caught Y/n's eye on the balcony. A shadow of a figure, watching the song and bopping slightly to the rhythm. That is, until it saw Y/n looking, and then it began to run, trying to hide.

Y/n was certain this was the same person who had been in her walls, and she wasn't going to let him get away. Leaving as Dolores finished her verse and letting Mirabel handle Camilo, Y/n bolted up the stairs and towards the figure, just barely managing to keep him in sight as he turned corners, trying to lose her.

"You're not getting away that easily," muttering Y/n as she ran faster, almost catching up. He turned a corner, and she followed- and he was gone. 

"How???" asked Y/n out loud, frustrated. "This guy's like a ghost-" She cut herself off as she noticed a rat, squeaking a little as it disappeared behind the frame of a painting. "What the heck?"

She tugged at the painting, finding it swung open on hinges like a door. And behind it- the secret passages Y/n had been looking for. 

Her heart sped up. Finally, she would be able to solve this mystery. She would corner him, and make him answer her questions.

She stepped into the passage, closing the hidden door behind her, then taking off running again once her eyes adjusted, following a rat that had been left behind briefly. Soon, she could see him again, and adrenaline just sped her up. She was able to see well enough to dodge obstacles and keep him in sight.

Soon, they reached a drop, which the man hopped over nimbly, using broken boards on the sides of it. 

"Dam it, you're not getting away." Y/n looked for something she could use, seeing a loose board on the side of the passage and laying it across the gap, which had fog in it so she couldn't see how deep it was. She raced across the board, keeping her step light, and it held. 

She had lost sight of the man, but luckily, at this point in the tunnels there were no branching parts, just one way he must have gone. The only things she could hear were her own breath, the pounding of her heart, and the occasional squeaks of rats.

Then, out of nowhere, the tunnel opened up into a warmly lit, messy, and small but cozy room. Y/n stopped, looking around. There were no other tunnels leading out of the room, but she didn't see the man. What she did see, were rats. Rats everywhere.

"Hm.." Y/n muttered, picking up a rat as it scurried by. She liked rats, but those who lived in the wild without human interaction didn't always like her. It didn't try to bite her or escape, instead curling into her hand. So he keeps them like pets, Y/n thought.

She turned her mind back to her original task: finding him. She looked around the room again, affirming that he wasn't within her view. 

There was a large red chair in the middle of the room, and shelves and drawers all around the edges. A small stage sat on a table next to the chair, though Y/n couldn't imagine what it was for. She spotted a hold in the wall that was boarded over, and a table next to it. There was something painted on the table, but she didn't look at it too closely.

Where could he have gone? Y/n wondered. Then she heard it through the squeaking of the rats, poorly hidden heavy breathing.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now