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Mirabel just stood there for a moment after Bruno closed the door. Y/n didn't move either, waiting for some sign of life from Mirabel.

"Wait-" Mirabel's head suddenly popped up, full of energy once again. She opened the door again, walking right back into Bruno's room. "You wish you could see more, so see more. Have another vision!"

Y/n walked back in with her, not completely sure how Bruno would react to this request.

"Nonononono, kid, I don't do visions anymore." Bruno backed away from Mirabel as she walked towards him, clearly determined to get what she wanted.

"Why not? You can't just say 'The fate of our home lays in your hands, the end.' If I get to decide what happens, I say have another vision."

As she spoke, she backed Bruno around his chair, and his grabbed his broom, holding it between them like a crucifix warding off evil spirits. "Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I can't. I need a wide open space to use my gift, and you destroyed my vision cave." 

(A/N: I know I didn't explain much about what Y/n and Mirabel did to Bruno, but since I don't remember how she explained it in the movie, I'm just gonna say he knew that taking the vision would wreck the cave.)

"You can use my room," came a voice from the doorway. As everyone turned to look, Antonio stood surrounded, as usual, by furry friends. He held a rat in his palm. "The rats told me everything- don't eat that." He instructed the jaguar, which had been poised to strike at two rats.

Next thing Y/n knew, all four of them were in Antonio's room, and Bruno had set up his good luck charms, now busy pouring a sand circle. When he came to a capybara that was sitting in the way, he paused for a second before simply going around it. 

Nonconfrontational even to a giant rodent, thought Y/n, smiling slightly at how little Bruno had changed since she saw him last.

Once he was done, he and Mirabel sat in the middle of the circle. Bruno had offered to let Y/n in too, but she declined, saying that it was Mirabel's future, not hers. She sat above them, next to Antonio in his hammock.

Bruno started all his good luck rituals, which he always stuck to doing before a vision. Then, he took a deep breath, and his eyes turned emerald. "You may want to hang on," he said, offering his hands to Mirabel, who took them.

Wind began to swirl around them, and black smoke formed a dome over the pair. Y/n couldn't see them or hear anything inside, but after a minute the wind died and the dome collapsed, revealing Mirabel and Bruno, his eyes now back to normal, and holding a glowing green tablet depicting Mirabel and Isabela hugging.

"Your sister! That's amazing!" said Bruno with a grin.

Mirabel simply growled in rage in return. Bruno's grin was wiped off his face quickly, and he tossed the vision aside, sighing, "Every time."

Once Y/n had been caught up on what they had found (Antonio had left the room to do his own things once the vision ended), the three headed out to a spot where they could hide and see Isabela's room. 

"How will hugging Isabela save the miracle anyways?" asked Mirabel, clearly not happy about the task.

Bruno shrugged. "It's a family miracle. How do you save a family miracle? You hug a sister."

They all fell quiet as Camilo passed below them, calling Mirabel's name. As he walked though, his powers went awry, and he became an odd, man-sized baby with a mustache. He continued to call for Mirabel, now in a high pitched voice that sounded very strange.

"We're running out of time," said Y/n.

"Argh, why does it have to be Senorita Perfecta anyways? The Isabela who always has to be right, and perfect, and has flowers growing out of her-"

As Mirabel complained, Bruno whispered her name several times trying to get her attention. When it clearly wasn't working, he raised his voice to an almost-yell. "Mirabel!"

That shut her up, and surprised both her and Y/n.

"Um, sorry," he said.

Another thing Y/n had forgotten she missed about Bruno: how he always apologized for stupid things, like talking too loud or tripping over in front of others. It was adorable.

"Mirabel, I think you're missing the point here. The fate of the family isn't up to her, it's up to you." Bruno really was wise sometimes, despite how he came across as nervous and confused... which he also often was.

Mirabel sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I guess.. Isabela here we come."

Bruno was quick to correct her. "Um, here you come. I'm outta here."

"What? Why?" asked Mirabel.

"It was your vision, Mirabel, not mine," Bruno replied, shifting so he was hiding behind a plant near a secret tunnel painting.

"You're afraid Abuela will see you." It wasn't a question.

"Yes. I mean, yep, that too."

"I shouldn't tag along either. Bruno's right, it's your future, you have to handle this bit." Y/n wanted to be there to support Mirabel, but it was pretty obvious this was the kind of thing that had to be done alone.

"You can come with me, then, where we'll be alone," said Bruno, not realizing the slight implication of his words or noticing Y/n's blush or the small smirk Mirabel was giving the two of them.

Y/n prayed her face wasn't as red as it felt. 

"Alright then, you two go have couple time and I'll take care of my sister," said Mirabel, her smirk growing as she whisked off towards Isabela's room before either of them could protest that they were not a couple.

After a long second of silence, Bruno said, "We should probably get back into the tunnels."

"Yep," said Y/n, glad of something to distract her. Both of them were blushing furiously, but used the dim lighting of the tunnel to disguise it. Y/n followed Bruno, not really knowing or caring where they were going.

Bruno led, unconsciously making his way back to Antonio's room.

Once they made it there and back to where Mirabel had had her vision, Y/n asked what they were doing there.

"Oh- um- well- I probably should have asked before we got here but- I was wondering if you wanted me to read your future?" His voice was nervous and his hands were fidgeting.

"Well.. since we're here anyways we may as well, right?" Y/n shrugged, not meeting his eyes since her face still felt hot and she was sure her cheeks were red.

Bruno was in a similar state. After he had performed his rituals, he took a deep breath and offered his hands as his eyes began to glow and smoke began to swirl.

This shouldn't be weird, right? Just holding hands with my best friend for a vision- not a big deal. Why am I panicking then? Mirabellll why have you placed these thoughts in my head? 

The same thoughts were racing through both of their heads, but luckily the strange green lighting of the vision obscured both of their blushes.

As the two of them stood up inside the dome of smoke, they watched as in the vision, Y/n was standing in front of the Casita. It wasn't cracked or broken at all, in fact it looked new and polished. They both looked closely at the vision, seeing that Y/n's hand was intertwined with someone else's. However, they could only see the hand of the person where the image cut off. The only thing they could tell for sure is Y/n looked happier than she had ever seen herself.

Once the smoke dome collapsed, the two stood there for a long moment, both deep in thought about what the vision meant. Bruno held the vision tablet in one hand, and studied it closely.

Neither of them noticed that they were still holding hands, until Bruno looked up from the tablet and realized he had never let go. He quickly released her.

"Oh- sorry- I didn't mean to- never mind, here." Bruno thrust the tablet into Y/n's hands, and before she could say anything he dashed out the door. By the time Y/n had recovered her wits enough to go after him, he could have been anywhere in the tunnel system, which Y/n didn't know how to navigate.

"Why- why did he run?" Y/n murmured, confused and slightly sad. She went, holding the vision, to her room next to the kitchen, and stared at the hand she held in it, wondering whose it was.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن