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For a moment, the tower was silent as the two looked into each other's eyes. This time, Bruno didn't fold under the weight of the silence, keeping the confidence in his gaze as he held Y/n's hand tightly.

Then Y/n practically tackled him over with a hug. "I thought you would never ask, osito," she said, holding him tightly. "Of course I want you, you're all I've ever wanted."

Bruno wrapped his arms around her in return, his confident face breaking. "Oh, thank the rats, I was going to die if that moment lasted a second longer," he said.

"Please never die," said Y/n into his shirt. 

"I don't plan on it, mi querida," he said with a smile.

Y/n sat back, then leaned forwards again, this time kissing him. It wasn't like the kiss after he had woken up. This one held no fear, no uncertainty. There was only the two of them, and nothing could possibly separate them.

Once she pulled away, Y/n was beaming. "I was so afraid I had scared you off," she said.

"It would take a lot more than a kiss to get me away from you," he replied, smiling as well.

They held each other for a moment in silence. This wasn't the nervous kind of silence, though, this was a comfortable one, where all they needed was each other's warmth.

"Querida... I do have a question," Bruno said. "I know we haven't really discussed it, but mi familia.. I understand if you're not comfortable with them knowing yet-"

"I want them to know," Y/n said, stopping him. "I want everyone to know I have the best boyfriend I could have possibly wanted."

They sat there for a while, falling back into that comfortable silence, before a voice came from downstairs yelling that dinner was ready.

Small time skip

Once everyone was seated at the dinner table, and Abuela had not volunteered any announcements, Y/n and Bruno met eyes and exchanged a small nod.

Bruno cleared his throat and stood up. "Um, I have an announcement to make," he said. "Y/n and I are now in an official relationship, together," he said.

To both of their surprise, there were several loud groans and whines from around the table, except for Isabela, who jumped out of her chair with a triumphant whoop.

Bruno didn't expect this and glanced at Y/n for help, who was just as mystified.

"Couldn't you have waited just a week longer?!" wailed Camilo.

"Come on! I wasn't even close! Twenty pesos down the drain.." said Mirabel.

"Wait wait wait wait wait, is this another bet?" asked Y/n.

"And one you and Bruno disappointed me on!" said Pepa, glaring at her brother as though he had any way of knowing.

"ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY PESOS ARE ALL MINE!!!" shouted Isabela in celebration.

Camilo frowned. "Wasn't it one hundred and fifty?"

"Well yes, but I already won twenty from Dolores for the first kiss," explained Isabela.

"Wait, first kiss?" asked Mirabel. "When was this?"

"When Tio first woke up," said Dolores sullenly.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME??" said Mirabel. "I would've bet much sooner.."

"It was a private bet, and you made your choice based on your knowledge. Don't blame me," said Dolores.

Bruno and Y/n had both turned red by this point, and Julieta stepped in to rescue her brother. "Everyone settle down!"

Isabela sat down again, and all the rage simmered down to grumbles.

"Now, leave Bruno and Y/n alone. Their romantic life is nothing to be placing bets on."

"Thank y-" started Y/n.

"And Mirabel, you really shouldn't have bet so far out. They've been dancing around each other for ages, one of them was sure to break soon," continued Julieta.

Y/n sighed. "Of course."

The rest of the meal passed like a blur. Next thing Y/n knew, everyone was heading up to bed. It had been a long day, full of bets, triumphs, and disappointments.

Bruno met Y/n in her room after they had both changed into nightclothes, knocking on her door softly. He was lucky she had good ears, he was always afraid to knock too loudly.

She opened the door and let him in. That night, they stayed up late, looking back on their favorite memories together. They talked late into the night, laying on Y/n's bed and cuddling beneath the blankets, and as the sun began to rise they finally fell asleep, Bruno's arms around Y/n as she laid as close to him as she could get, her head against his chest despite the fact that they were about the same height.


A/N: So, I plan on doing at least a few more chapters doing time skips through other major events in their relationship, but would you guys want to see more of their everyday couple life? I think this fic has lived a short life, but the end is in sight. If any of you have events you want me to write between them now that they're finally together, comment on this chapter! I would love to read through the suggestions, and I'll try to do all of them (within reason, and if they fit into the same story).

Anyways, this is the last update for tonight, so wherever you are, have a good day/night!

P.S. Sorry this chapter is so short, I couldn't think of any reason or way to drag it out to my normal average word count.

Love's Premonition (Bruno Madrigal x Fem Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt