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"Now, Bruno, just because it's been a while and you're married doesn't mean you don't treat her right, remember-"

Pepa was giving Bruno a whole lecture on how to go about his date with Y/n that night, despite the fact that he had been doing this for literal years.

"I know, sis, I know," he said as she patted his shoulders, surveying his outfit. She stepped back, satisfied.

"Well, that'll have to do. Now, go get your wife!" She said, pushing him out of her room and towards the front door. Y/n was waiting there already, having been helped by Julieta to prepare in a much less aggressive way than Pepa had gone about it.

"Ready, mi amor?" he asked with a smile as they walked out the door, hand in hand.

"Of course I am, osito."

They had simple plans for the night, as the sun was already going down. They had eaten with the family already, and the kids were going to be put to bed by their aunts so their parents could have a bit of a break. 

The plan was to wander wherever they wanted, and come back whenever they chose, or not until the next morning. All in all, they had no plan.

Still, that was part of the fun of it. There was no set rules to follow, they could do whatever they chose.

The two wandered the town for a while, watching the lanterns turn on and shops close for the night as they laughed and talked. After a bit, they reached the hill where they used to play. Where Bruno now slipped on a stone and faceplanted in the grass.

"Oh- mi amor! Are you alright?" came Y/n's voice. She sounded concerned, but as Bruno lifted his face and spat dirt out of his mouth, he could see the twinkle in her eye and the smile she was trying to stop.

He smiled, too, at his own clumsiness. "I'm fine. The real question is, are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I b- ah!" Y/n half yelped as he pulled her down to the ground with him, her landing on top of him.

Their faces were close now, and Y/n started to lean in with a smirk. Their lips almost made contact- then she attacked! She started tickling him right where she knew he was most ticklish, and he tried to retaliate, reaching up at her.

Soon enough, they were both laughing, rolling around together on the ground as each tried to gain the upper hand in the tickle fight.

In the end, Bruno won, pinning Y/n down to the dirt with a smile. 

Y/n looked up at him, his face flushed red from laughter. "You know, this reminds me of something."

"What?" he asked. He didn't move, just in case this was a trap to make him lower his guard.

"Remember when Camilo tried to say we were together, back when you were trying to hide that vision from me?"

The memory seemed so distant, yet so clear in both of their minds. Bruno smiled just at the thought of it. "Of course, how could I forget? I seem to remember much yelling after that."

"Camilo always was our number one fan," said Y/n fondly. She reached up, making Bruno brace himself for more tickling, but instead she just pulled her husband down towards her, so they lay cuddling on the grass, under the moon.

Bruno laughed slightly as he was pulled to Y/n's chest. "He knew even before we did. Imagine how we would have gotten embarrassed and laughed it off if he tried to tell us where we would be now back then."

Y/n smiled. "Yeah, we were pretty oblivious, weren't we? And look at us now, married, three kids, and cuddling on this hill. Quite the life we've got together."

"I wouldn't trade any of it for the world, mi querida," he said, his voice muffled as he buried his face in her dress. 

She ran her fingers through his hair. "Of course not, neither would I," she said. 

They laid there on the ground, time slipping by. They each held the other close, but not in the desperate, reassuring way they had when they were younger. They knew they would always be there for each other, and nothing could separate them. They had no fear of something bringing them apart.

And so, the two fell asleep there, perfectly warm with each other, not caring about how their joints would ache in the coming morning. 

Back at the Casita, Dolores smiled to herself. She was proud of how far her Tio and Tia had come. She informed her mother about the two falling asleep, then retired to her own room, thinking of her own fiance. Waiting patiently for when they would be married like that.


A/N: Hey guys! Here's a fluff chapter for yall, though these will likely get rarer as time passes. I'm going to be doing more stuff involving the new generation, with less focus on these guys. Although, I'm considering making that a whole separate book, with just the adventures and lives of the kids following this. Comment what you think I should do, make new chapters that skip around or make a new book, which may be more detailed, but take more time!

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