Chapter 13: Bittersweet Revenge

Start from the beginning

After momo helps console Jiro, Jiro puts on the hoodie and the two girls walk down the stairs to the common room where their classmates are waiting. Izuku immediately recognized the hoodie but decided not to bring it up, until a certain lightning user opened his mouth.

Kaminari: Hey Jiro, that's a pretty sweet jacket.... Where'd You get it?
Mina: *slaps the back of his head* Dude shut up!!!
Jiro: No it's fine.... And as for the jacket I've had it for a while but never really wore it, but I felt like wearing it today...
Izuku: Well it looks great on you Jiro. *thinking* I miss him too Jiro, he would be proud of how hard we worked to get where we are today...

Without another word about the jacket the classmates head to the train station and start their journey to the new mall that was just built a few weeks ago. After a 30 minute train ride they arrived at the mall that was coincidentally built right across from the train station. Class 3A made their way into the mall and split up into their little "Squads'' but had agreed to meet at the food court in an hour or so for lunch. As everyone went separate ways, Jiro, Momo, and Izuku stuck together (for obvious reasons) None of them really had anything that they needed to buy so in order to cheer up Jiro, Momo suggested to Jiro that they go into a music store. Jiro thought it was a great idea, once inside, they started looking around at all the instruments and amps, and just fiddling with the instruments here and there, Jiro seemed to be somewhat drawn to the drums, the girls were basically in their own world at this moment. But something caught Izuku's attention. He heard the TV on near the checkout counter and saw that the news was reporting a break out at the high security prison, the same one the League of Villains had been reportedly sent to.

Izuku: Hey, uh, guys you might wanna come look at this.
Momo: What is it babe?
Jiro: Yeah what's up?....
Izuku: *Turns his head to face the TV*

Jiro and Momo turn to look at the screen and their eyes widened at the sight of the news report. Apparently someone had murdered one of the guards and freed a good majority of the prison population.

Momo: You don't think They got free do you?
Izuku: I hope not... that's a recipe for a disaster
Jiro: I mean I wonder who or what caused the breakout of that scale.

As Jiro finished her sentence a loud explosion was heard near the front entrance of the mall. The trio instinctively run towards the explosion, as they all have their provisional license and can legally help with any emergency. They were able to regroup with the rest of the class only to see their worst fear become reality.... The League of Villains had been the cause of this catastrophe.

Momo: What are they doing here?
Mina: I don't know, but what I do know is that it isn't good, we need to call the pro heroes.
Iida: Great idea Ashido, and while we wait for them we need to get as many civilians to safety as possible, I'll take a few of you with me, the rest can try and keep the league at Bay
Class 3A: Right!

As they began their plans to rescue, and defend the civilians, the League member identified as Himiko Toga caught sight of the class 3A and a huge grin formed on her face, as if she had been expecting to see them there. She watched as they split into groups but she kept her gaze fixed on our trio, more specifically, Jiro...
Toga relays an order to her "good friend" a villain by the name of Muscular, his orders are to target Izuku Midoriya and eliminate him at all costs, while Toga herself has her own agenda, her target was Jiro. Momo would just be a "necessary casualty" to her plans, she gives the description and location of Izuku to Muscular and hid before his arrival. The ground began to rumble and the trio of heroes turn the attention towards the source of it, suddenly a giant mass of a man came barreling through the walls of a nearby store, he was running full speed in a direct path towards Izuku, Izuku notices this and tells Momo and Jiro to continue with the task at hand while he holds off this villain, once they confirm with him, he sprints off to an area where he'd be able to use his quirk without risking collateral damage or unwanted casualties. Seeing her window of opportunity now open, Toga decides to strike, she creeps out of her hiding spot and darts around advancing towards her intended target, she's within a few feet of Jiro because she managed to sneak up on her blind side, she draws her knife and at full speed, thrusts towards her, Jiro turned to see her but too late to react. A loud clanging sound can be heard as the broken knife blade hits the ground, Toga was surprised to see her blade had connected, but not to her fleshy target, instead it snapped upon impact against the solid tungsten shield Momo was holding to defend Jiro. Momo immediately follows up with a spinning back kick, slamming her heel square into Toga's jaw. As Toga hit the ground from the hit she took, Jiro became more alert and stood in a combat stance, ready to take on the villain alongside her best friend. Toga got to her feet and decided to charge straight for the two heroines. She drew another knife from her leg holster, Momo held up her shield once again, but Toga countered it by grabbing the shield with her free hand and pulling it downward to create an opening, the moment the shield was low enough to reveal Momo's unguarded face, over her shoulder, Toga saw a boot coming straight at her, it came so fast and just bashed her forehead, head on. Toga staggered back trying to regain her composure, Jiro and Momo took the opportunity to go on the offensive. Momo lead the way with her shield up, Toga tried to defend with her knife but it was no use against the shield, Jiro jumped and used Momo's shoulder as a springboard to flip over her and with a set of fingerless hard knuckle gloves, she came down hard striking Toga in the temple instantly bruising it. Toga was both impressed and annoyed at the fact that they were both holding their own against her. Starting to panic, the thought of retreating had crossed her mind but she still had to take out at least one of them. Toga was wondering if muscular had any luck with that "broccoli brat".
Meanwhile, Muscular was still engaging izuku and wasn't doing too well, over the 2 years Izuku had also gotten better at hand to hand combat and now knows how to effectively use his napalm. Thanks to Izuku's heroic preparation, he had his newly upgraded hero costume with him, ready to go, as he ran off to distract Muscular, he quickly changed into it as he was running. Once he was far enough away from the buildings and people, he stopped running and faced his opponent, with a look of manic rage in his eyes, Muscular continued stomping towards the Green and Black clad hero, Izuku stood strong and waited for the right moment. When Muscular was roughly 20 feet away, Izuku raised his arms and fired streams of his napalm roughly 10 feet in front of him. Izuku runs full speed towards Muscular, as he reaches the napalm he had tactically placed there, he uses its viscous and slimy texture to slide on the concrete. He slid with one leg stretched out and locked, Muscular reaching the napalm at the same time as Izuku was then toppled over because Izuku's speed and strength launched him right into the muscle villain's leg. In the moment Izuku was sliding, he ground his fingernails on the ground to create the Sparks he needed to ignite the napalm. In a matter of seconds Izuku knocked over and set fire to one of the strongest villains in the league, but the fight had just begun. Muscular stood up with half his body on fire, laughing maniacally and stating that the fire had no effect on him, so he charged at Izuku and tried to grab hold of him to use his own flames against him, Izuku was dodging and evading his attempts, until an unfortunate crack in the ground caused him to trip and lose his footing, in that moment Muscular grabbed a hold of him and put him into a bear hug, but not to crush him, but to immobilize him, he laughed hysterically while telling Izuku to burn in hell. The laughter stopped suddenly when Muscular had realized something, he realized that he was feeling pain, and heat. He went from smiling to concerned, Izuku raised his head to reveal his glowing emerald eyes.

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