Sob Story

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"He has them in some kind of 'protective custody' or at least that's what he's telling her, but I know if I do anything that he doesn't like, than she dies and my little girl dies." Desmond rested his had in his hands rubbing at his eyes as if to chase away an impending headache, "I know that doesn't excuse what I was going to do to you, but now maybe you understand why I did what I did." He lifted his head slowly to look at the rest of the room: Conn floating over the water feature, admiral Vir resting in his SE armor on the couch, and the Saint of Anin leaning casually against her spear, all watching him with great interest. He dropped his head again, struggling to look any of them in the eyes, "President Hunt is a killer, he always has been. When things don't go his way, he has men.... Men who stage accidents, men who hire other men to hire men on his behalf to do bad things to people. I am fully convinced he had soemthing to do with President Kelly's death, and.... The attempted assassination on you during that press conference some time back. The man is evil, and not cartoon villain evil, he doesn't have a death ray or anything, but he's the real kind of Evil, the kind that does whatever it wants because it can and everyone else be damned."

He triled off not sure where else to go with that speech. He wasn't sure what he was trying to accomplish. They already knew that president Hunt was Evil. After all he was the reason that Ex admiral vir was an Ex-admiral exiled from the planet he loved to live his life in the dark . Hunt was the reason that this man's son was a year old and had never seen an earth sunrise.

He had been relegated to the dark, and despite populating his planet with everything that could glow in the dark, it was still an exoplanet isolated from earth.

Desmond knew that must hurt.

He stared at his feet, unwilling to look up and see the judgment on their faces. He knew what he had done.

Something shifted, and this time Desmond couldn't force himself to look away, his curiosity lifting his head up to see Admiral Vir had taken to his feet. The Saint of Anin had her spear resting over on shoulder, and Desmond watched as the two of them exchanged a meaningful look.

Conn sighed.

Desmond frowned, "What's going on."

The Starborn floated over casually sitting next to Desmond, "Adam real is a sucker for a sob story."

Either the admiral didn't hear him, or chose not to react as he walked over to the saint and began an earnest conversation with her in hushed voices.

Desmond looked back at the starborn, "What?"

"Adam Vir, is the biggest mushiest pushover in the galaxy. He is a trusting individual who, without help, would be inclined to believe any sad sob story brought to him by and sad sob. Sometimes I wonder how he managed to make it to adulthood as gullible and trusting as he is. Prone to let anyone into his inner circle if they seem sad enough."

Desmond raised an eyebrow, "Ok, so what's your sob story?"

Conn gave him a scathing look, and Desmond responded with a slight smirk before, "I still don't understand."

Conn rolled his eyes, "Don't you get it, he wants to help you."

That took Desmond aback, "he... what?"

"He fool wants to help you." He shook his head sadly, "Sometimes I wonder why I ever had a daughter with him."

"We didn't HAVE anything together Conn." The admiral said, without turning to look at him.

"Oh so you were listening." Conn said, grinning again, showing multiple rows of tiny sharp teeth.

Desmond scooted away as discreetly as he could, despite knowing that the starborn could hear his thoughts.

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