Still Waters

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Angel Ramirez took a slow, deep breath and looked up at the Arcadia sky, a bastion of eternal night. Rogue Arcadia Jellies wandered in roving packs across the black expanse, their glowing bodies emanating pale light in shades of blue green and pink.

He took another slow breath to fight the racing of his own heart. He didn't usually feel like this. If Angel Ramirez was known for anything, it was his legendary ability not to feel self-conscious, but now just thinking about her managed to send his heart into a frenzied dance beating out a rhythm on his ribs. For the first time in a very long time, real self-doubt had taken root inside of him putting him off balance and making him nervous.

He tried to reassure himself.

Things like this always went well for him. He just needed to rely on his charm, and he would be fine.

He lifted his fist and gave a hard sharp knock.

There was a pause, and for a horrible moment he wondered what he would do if she didn't answer, but he didn't have to think about that long before the door was pulled open, and there she was, standing framed in the doorway by pale yellow light.

She already had her shoes on ready to go.

Ramirez flashed a charming smile.

Maverick smiled back, as much as Maverick was known to smile, warm yellow light spun through the braided strands of her white blonde hair, "Hey, you're on time."

"Was I not supposed to be?' He wondered

She smirked only slightly, "The Ramirez I know has a habit of showing up late."

He shrugged a shoulder, "Well, I know for a fact that the woman I have come to see, can't abide it when people are late."

"Ah, so you do pay attention." Her eyes rolled over him appraisingly, moving slowly from his head to his feet, but stopping when she saw what he held in his hand. His heart was still pounding through his chest, and a sharp line of sweat trickled its way down his back, pooling at the base of his spine.

"What are those."

Ramirez awkwardly held up a hand, "Oh well these are for you, of course." He reached out an awkward hand to proper the flowers. He didn't know what they were, but they had looked nice. Maverick seemed surprised somehow, but took the flowers, looking them over for a moment before setting them down on the side table, "Uh, thanks....."

He swallowed hard, "Uh, are you ready to go?"

"You know me."

"So you've been ready for the last hour?"

"That sounds about right."

He smiled and stepped aside for her. A col breeze tugged at errant strands of hair as she stepped out into the cool evening. Warm yellow light from distant street illumination brushed her skin. Rather than living in the tower like Ramirez, Maverick had chosen a small apartment on the edge of the city, in a district abutting the nature preserve.

It was dark in this neighborhood even during the day, and that is how the residents liked it .

Maverick was comfortable in the dark.

"So where are we going."

Ramirez grinned feeling his heartbeat relax somewhat, "Oh, you'll see." He was confident this date idea was sound, after all, he had used this particular date template many times in the past . In fact, it was his go to method of wooing women, and certain men the first go. It tended to put him at his ease and gave him the opportunity to impress his perspective date.

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