Golden Boy

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Adam did not expect the reunion that was waiting for them at the main spaceport. He was too busy gawping out the window eyes fixated on the vast grid of wartime military technologies that made up the Arcadia defense grid. From what Sunny told him there were four primary stations. The largest one acted as their main shipping as space port, while the other three split responsibilities. One of them was primarily geospatial and handled things on Arcadia. It had a network of smaller satellites that helped to coordinate signals like GAP. The other two monitored distant signals, and – thought it was classified information—were primarily used to gather long range intelligence and intercept signals on their neighboring planets. One of them included a massive long rage telescope, with spectroscopy capabilities and a minor warp engine.

The spy scope would create a sort of warp portal for the main lens which would then peer through and take pictures of the intended target They had to be careful about using it because it could lead enemies to their location, however, it was probably one of the most important pieces of technology they had unhindered by things like time dilation and the speed of light.

Conn was essentially what amounted to their intelligence director. He was a man who delt in secrets primarily. It was almost impossible to be a spy or commit domestic terrorism on Arcadia with him around. A lot of people had trouble with the idea of someone who could police their thoughts, but luckily for them Conn didn't give enough of a shit to be big brother.

But he did enjoy exposing enemy secrets and conducting clandestine operations.

The network was called the Arcadia intelligence Agency, but its actual agents were referred to as shards within the agency itself. Adam had no idea why but they did. Supposedly he had helped to coordinate the insurrection on the Vrul homeworld using the intelligence that he had gathered using their spy equipment.

Adam was still trying to wrap his head around that. Even as his eyes passed over the grid.

Hundreds of satellites were monitored by cleanup barges to keep the orbit free of debris. Many of the smaller satellites were equipped with Anti Air defense weaponry, and they had even acquired a small moon, don't ask, that was equipped with one of the universe's biggest Energy Gun, which was lovingly referred to as the BAG or the Big Ass Gun.

That was not mentioning the ring, which, in conjunction with the rest of the grid could put up a Calex graded shield around the entire planet. Apparently after everything that had happened Lord Avex had also discontinued their partnership with the UN. Arcadia was now the only GA civilization they actively traded and partnered with.

Adam fund himself both in awe, and strangely detached from everything around him. Once upon a time he had been directly involved in everything that went on in Arcadia, and now, he felt like an outsider stepping in for the first time.

Sunny sensed the look on his face and squeezed his hand, "Don't worry, you'll catch up quick. Everyone has been waiting for your return, for a very long time."

He shook his head in quiet confusion. Ramirez punched him in the arm, "You'll love what we've done with the place. We got a ton of new aliens you can pet."

Adam grinned, "You know me too well.... Ramirez, how did you learn how to fly a spaceship."

Ramirez shrugged, like I said, a lot has happened in wo years, "When you.... Had to take your hiatus, there was really no one to step in and take your position. I don't mean like your position as leader of Arcadia, Sunny was all over that and eventually Eris, but what I don't think you understand is just how much of a symbol your are to the public. Not to mention when it came to conducting PR operations. Someone needed to take your place as the crazy bastard who does stupid things."

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