High On Humans

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Lord Celex stood at the center of the room surveying his domain with a critical eye.

Well it hadn't been his domain until a moment again when he had conquered it for himself. What most people didn't know is that he was the rule of all that he saw, he was just smart enough not to let people know that was the case.

What they didn't know could not hurt them.

But this, this was definitely his and no one was going to argue with him over it.

The primary reason?

Well it was his planet, and these were other Celzex

He was ruler over all his domain and every last Celzex in the universe, so that made things easy for him.

HE turned one more time around the room. It was a large room, big enough to house a drev or two in comfortable working conditions. Lord Celex liked Drev, they were similar to his own people and tey were easy to understand.

War and honor.

He hopped across the floor, leaping over the bodies that layer there bleeding purple icor onto the ground.

He stepped in some of it, but didn't mind. Wearing the blood of your enemies was considered the height of fashion for a Celzex.

"What do we know?"
Lady Virax looked up from her work. She was a very strange specimen, though very pretty with fur the color and sheen of a freshly polished pearl. She was also the smartest person he knew, which he would never admit openly considering that, as lord ruler over all he surveyed, he was supposed to be the bearer of each and every desirable aspect.

She looked up at him one of her ears twitching.

She knew she was smarter than him, and he knew that she knew, but both of them made a silent mutual agreement not to acknowledge that fact. If both kept quiet, then it would be less likely to get awkward in the future.

"They were manufacturing something."

"Well yes, but what?"

It was a widely known fact that Celzex built and operated the most powerful military hardware in the galaxy, but what most people did not know was their technological advancements continued further into their everyday technology.

This was not a fact that they enjoyed sharing with their GA counterparts.

Celzex were likely one of the oldest races between Andromeda and the Milky way, though they were very very secretive about this fact. The only reason that they were not too advanced to associate with these new orders of alien was the simple fact that, while Celzex were technologically advanced to a degree that might have made them almost magical, they had always struggled building societies that lasted more than one year.

Cooperation was hardly their forte.

"It is a strange substance, a powder in nature that has dried into flakes which are being ground up. There is very little of it, but they put it into small vials for use later." She examined one of the small test tubes.

Lord Celex sensed some of his other men staring at him and stood just a little straighter.

About a month or so ago, Lord Celex had been involved in an exploration party hit by a blizzard, and subsequently almost froze to death as a result.

He was the only survivor.

And while that might have been considered impressive by most Celzex leaving him to rise in popularity once more, there was one problem.

He had been saved by a human.

Saved by a human who cuddled him like one of it's own offspring.

He hadn't had the energy to fight back or even be indignant about it. Even now the thought didn't bother him all that much, and he couldn't find the energy to be mad at the human for wounding his pride.

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