Arcadia Rain

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"What are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Behind them a squeal of delight rang through the house, and the two of them turned where they sat at the dining room table and watched as Kay waddled through the room as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, feet slapping against the polished black floors. He carried a different toy in each of his four hands, and behind him Waffles and Pancake trotted side by side, making pretense at chasing the small boy, to his immeasurable delight.

Sunny and Adam watched him pass into the other room, Adam with a growing smile and Sunny with a pleasant humming deep in her chest.

"You know," Sunny began, "Out of context we just watched two apex earth predators stalk our son into the next room, and by all rights they could eat him without batting an eye."

Adam laughed, "Given enough of a surprise attack they could probably eat US."

The slapping of Kay's feet grew in intensity, and he returned to the room still giggling madly as the two large dogs followed him intently through the room and down the hallway.

"I'm glad we have them, makes me feel better that someone is always watching him."


The two of them lapsed into silence, and Adam turned back to the window tapping his fingers against the mug he held clasped gently in his hands.

Sunny rubbed at her temples, "So basically Smaug says you need to access the power of the anima, so basically the power of god and THEN maybe then we might be able to make some sort of difference?"

Adam shook his head and set his mug back down on the table, "he wasn't just talking about me, Sunny, he was talking about all of us, all the.... Upper deus II guess. All of us are going o need to learn hwo to access the Anima."

Sunny gave a short chirp of laughter, "Ah yes, because that is going to be SOO easy. Adam, who aren't even sure WHO is a higher Deus except for you."


"No all we know is that he is a Deus, not that he is a higher deus."

Adam shook his head again, "When I went to Revelation, they said that I tended to attract others like myself. I married you and befriended Krill right off the bat, so there is almost no way that you two aren't included, and I would put my money on Maverick for sure. Probably katie, Narovi and the others, some family members of ours as well."

Sunny didn't look convinced, "Its not enough just to assume something like that. We have to know for certain."

"For what? Even if se do figure out who is a higher deus, what then? Hold hands and dance in a circle hoping that we can." He raised his hands to do air quotes, "Connect to the energy. "She gave him a look and he dropped his hands, "Sorry."

Sunny sat for a moment her head tilted thoughtfully to one side "Maybe Naktan can help."

"You're weird mountain friend."

She gave him another look, "He's basically a prophet."

"If you're a saint he's the Pope?"

"Yes, but the fact remains, ha managed to get you to access yours, and if he can do that for you, maybe he can do that for everyone else. Maybe he can helps us figure out who is and who is not?"

It was a decent plan, but it did heavily rely on one thing, "That is assuming Naktan will help us.

"He came down from his sacred mountain to help us didn't he?"

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