In Opposition

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Sunny stood still for a moment shock rooting her to the spot as if she was standing in dried cement, and then with a cry of joy or, something along those lines, she raced across the room and threw herself into her father's arms.

The embrace that closed around her was warm and familiar, hard and soft in all the right places. He hugged her tight to his chest rocking from one foot to the other as he held he, "I m-missed you." She said softly, unwilling to look up into his eyes for fear that this was all a dream.

But that option wasn't in the cards, and he reached his hands out to cup the sides of her face turning her to look at him. She gripped his hand trying not to cry, but feeling the welling in her throat and chest despite all of her attempts.

It was to her surprise that she realized that he wasn't completely the same.

The Lanus she had known had been far older reaching the late stages of his middling years. The lanus that stood before her must have been no older than she was, and in the prime of his life. Carapace that had gone dull overtime now shone as bright as it ever had. Connective tissue that had grown hard and ridged with age had softened, and the color vibrancy of the UV light surrounding him was, unusually bright.

When he spoke, his voice was unmistakable, but also much younger than she remembered of her father.

It was a strange thing.

He held her at arms length to get a good look at her, "I swear you've gotten taller."

The comment made her laugh and choke at the same time.

"Very funny dad."

"No I'm being serious>" as if on that note being suddenly reminded of what was going on he turned to loo kat the reset of the room, "And these are your friends."

At the back of the room other members of her small band were switching between slack jawed awe, and mild shuffling awkwardness as they tried not to pry on a moment that was not theirs. Sunny was suddenly embarrassed taking her father's arm and dragging him forward.

"yeah these are, my friends. Maverick, Ramirez, Krill."

It was then that she remembered, "ADAM!"

She ran to the opening in the floor kneeling at it's edge and staring down into the abyss into which her battle partner had fallen. There was no sign of him, just endless rolling sky.

Lanus came up behind her, resting a gentle hand on her back, "it's alright, it's a pocket dimension, nothing in there can hurt him, not even hitting the ground,"

She turned to look at her father eyes still wide with concern, "Can we get him out."

Lanus shifted slightly, "I, well yes, but not without alerting the others."

Ramirez rubbed the back of his head, "No offence..... Mr uh Sunny's dad, but we sort of already assumed that you had."

Krill and Maverick nodded along.

"No.... no I well I had a hunch, and I wanted to see you. Technically this meeting should not be happening. When they find out I am here I will be severely reprimanded."

That made Sunny look nervous for her father, but he held up a hand, "Even with the makers there are rules, and I am ready to accept responsibility for that. They are good people, but there are certain things that generally have to be upheld. It isn't personal."

Sunny wasn't so sure but let her father continue, "I'm too young for them to take me seriously, or even notice me missing, so I held back to try and find the group of you."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ