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A shadow passed over the bridge, cast by the long prow of a sleek Maker cruiser, cutting through space with all the grace that a dolphin cuts through water. Golden light spilled around it's edges turning the ship's hull into a black silhouette encased in a halo of burning golden light, On the bridge of the omen, the Crew held their collective breath, listening to the sound of agitated radio chatter over the comms system as the Makers alerted others to their presence.

It was the Celzex cloaking system that spared them.

Adam stood calmly on the desk of the ship, his feet planted at shoulder width, his hands resting gently behind his back. The majority of his mind did what it could to keep focus on the mission, but the smallest part of him reveled in the chase. IN the fact that, and he couldn't be sure if this was true, the makers knew who he was?

Even if they didn't.

They were about to.

The prow of the sleek cruiser cut over and then past them, and the golden light of Revelation spilled back down onto their deck.

Before them the impossible planetary system was laid out in all its glory.

He couldn't have known it, but the planetary system before him was not simply a random collection of planets thrown into random order, but, a rotating pattern in three dimensions, following a natural curl of a snails shell, abiding by the rules of the logarithmic sequence.

The Fibonacci Spiral.

But Adam was not here to parse the secrets of the universe.

He was here to steal fire from the gods, or so to speak.

Just to their right, a contingent of battlecruisers was flocking into a tight wedge formation, preparing for some unknown battle in some unknown galaxy. The pearl white sheen of their hulls glowed and pulsed with golden light.

Golden light Adam was now coming to realize was the same golden light given off by the star

Revelation, the source of all light in the universe.

Makers ships please be advised, we have reports of construct technology in the revelation system, please be on the lookout for Polaris construct energy.

"Testament, this is battle-cruiser Remorse, I am picking up a.... an unknown signal in my vicinity, but I can't pin it down, sending you my coordinates over."

Adam stepped back taking his seat, and gently manipulating the controls of his ship forward. He timed the chain jump to the moment that the group of battleships to his left started their engines. The pulse of golden energy that rolled from them overwhelmed his ship as the warp core engaged, and they leaped forward a short ways through the system. When the ship stopped, he was more than surprised to find himself suddenly surrounded by a group of strange glowing creatures. They weren't exactly like anything he had seen before, made simply from glowing wisps of translucent white and glowing blue. In a way they were like jellyfish, but somehow more formless, and the ribbons that they trailed stretched for miles and miles behind them as they sailed gently through the night.

The planet was growing closer.

It didn't look like much just yet, a glowing white and blue marble suspended in space, tranquil on its surface.

I, dammit, there was a warp signal but, I couldn't read it past the energy surge.

What is going on Remorse, Over

Construct technology detected in the revelation system. We think it might be Impetus.

Impetus! How the hell could he have gotten here? IT's impossible, he would have had to know exactly....

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now