Sleeper Agent

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"Outrage political world overnight as President Hunt demands Disgraced EX admiral Adam Vir extradited back to Earth. The former UNSC Admiral was last seen on Earth 48 hours after the death of President Kelly before he could be detained for questioning. The Disgraced Admiral committed mutiny against higher command, stealing his ship, in a move than some in the political world have labeled as open treason. For the past six years, the Admiral's whereabouts have been unknown though, government sources claim his involvement in underground black-market trading. Further sources have claimed Ex Admiral Vir responsible for the Impetus star that appeared in the northern sky for a little over two years ending not three months previously. Xenobiologists working on the sight after the disappearance of the Impetus Star, have found evidence of alien biological material, they claim belongs to the creature known as Behemoth, responsible for the mass killing of multiple UNSC personnel in a series of devastating attacks. Though there is no footage from the fight leading up to the impetus star, all sources on EX Admiral Koslov's ship claim they were rescued by an unknown ship of advanced alien design, owned and flown by Adam Vir, which was subsequently used to destroy the Behemoth. Despite all the corroborating evidence, President Hunt Claims the Impetus star as a failed attack against the Earth, Lunar, and Martian states. The political situation here on Earth has remained stable until last night when the whereabouts of Ex Admiral Vir were made public, Tim Grayson comes with more of the story."

"Thank you, Jennifer. Right now we are reporting live from the surface of a recently established colony exoplanet known as Arcadia. Established more than three years ago as a shipping waypoint, Arcadia has since grown into a thriving terraformed metropolis, with vast tracks of carefully controlled wilderness, and a baffling, but beautiful array of genetically altered alien life. Ownership, and government hierarchy of Arcadia was unknown for the large part of three years, but last night this changed as the Arcadian government came out with an official statement accepting treaties terms to join the Galactic Assembly. This coming in as a major political statement by way of the GA after the withdrawal of Earth and Luna from the original accords, which have angered many in the Hunt Cabinet."

"Tim Can you tell u more about why the Hunt administration is so angry over the GA's agreement to establish formal ties with Arcadia."

"Yes Jennifer, this primarily due to the Arcadian Presidency. From what we have learned Arcadia is a constitutional monarchy overseen by three primary political members known as the Triumvirate, these including King James of New-Sparta, previously announced missing from his established settlement, Hybrid Eris Vir from Noctopolis, and... Adam Vir ."

"So this is where Adam Vir has been hiding for the past few years?"

"that does seem to be the case, Jen. We did some small investigation into the third party real estate firm that sold this planet originally, and it turns out Adam Vir was the original buyer though his name was not listed due to the third party loophole. Since the Steel eye settlement, it looks like he has been slowly funneling money into Arcadia infrastructure."

"What does this all mean. The agreement with the GA?"

"It means that, like Mars Arcadia does not recognize earth as its government, and is not part of the UN. It also means that the GA has sided with Admiral Vir in conflict with President Hunt."

"So Hunts demand to Extradite Admiral Vir back to Earth...."

"Simply a political statement, nothing more. Adam Vir is the sovereign ruler of another planet upon which Hunt has no legal rights, in a universe where he also has no legal rights, since he forfeited those when he withdrew Earth from the GA. Admiral Vir can only be detained if he is to set foot on Earth or Luna , or upon any Earth owned hub, space port, or colony that has not yet seceded from the UN."

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