In the Arms of a Human

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Lord Celex looked out over his new domain. The Celex flag flying by his side whipping and whistling in a light wind. He had designed the flag himself after the manner of humans, he liked the idea, of being able to claim something with your symbol so no one could deny your ownership. He had claimed a lot of things in his life, some of those things he had graciously let the GA think was theirs.

He was generous and magnanimous like that.





A survivor.

He was the only one of his litter that had survived until adulthood considering his mother had a higher than average rate of eating her own children. He didn't much like his mother, she still concerned him at times.

He could see the hunger in her eyes.

He hopped on his feet and turned to look up at his flag.

Yes another planet claimed for the mighty nation of the Celzex. This was, of course, why he was king. He had brought much conquest to his people over the past few years and made important allies, humans and Drev being two of them. It was good to meet nations who were just as honorable and warlike as his own. There were, of course, things he didn't like about both sides, the Drev's misguided belief in technology being somehow sacrilegious seemed backwards and rather primitive to him, while humans lacked the codes of honor that made good warrior species.

Or at least some humans did.

Humans were one of two things.

Soft and useless.

Or unstoppable warriors.

He looked down to see where one of his lieutenants was struggling to climb the hill. Taking two steps up only to skid three steps back. Lord Celex averted his eyes.

Did the Celzex know that they were short?


Yes they were well aware.

And they hated it.

Lord Celex tried to think about the hill itself on which he was standing. A hill that probably would have taken a human about ten steps to climb up, but had taken them a good twenty minutes of work. Of course he had been the first to reach the top, as he was their greatest and most talented warrior.

"My Lord."

He jumped turning and nearly rolling back down the hill as he found Lady Notrix standing behind him, as silent as a ghost. She was like that, a skilled assassin and one of his right hand lieutenants. She was the only Celzex he had known to have fur that color, blue so dark it was almost midnight, some thought that she dyed it with naturally occurring patterns, but he knew for a fact it was real.

"Lady Notrix." He said nodding in the way he had seen humans do

He liked the way humans moved, it made him feel powerful.

It looked rather goofy from an outside perspective, though he had no way of knowing that.

To most other species the Celzex DID look pretty goofy.

He knew that as well, though he made sure everyone was constantly reminded who had the most powerful weapons in the galaxy

No one would be calling him goofy when he atomized their planet.

The thought made him smile.

The GA didn't know this, but he HAD atomized a planet once. It had been previously colonized by one of his greatest rivals and one of the most powerful war-lords in the history f his nation. This particular warlord had been visiting to take a look at his holding.

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