A Promise

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Thomas felt sick as he watched Noctus reach for the plate. His hands trembled ever so slightly. It felt wrong, doing this, felt wrong helping someone maintain their addiction even in the smallest way. He watched the Tesraki tip his head back and drop the pill into his mouth sliding down onto the seat with a look of pure ecstasy on his face. His eyes closed and his ears dropped back flat against his skull head lolling to one side.

Thomas quickly looked over his shoulder and towards the cage. The crowd was absolutely screaming in delight as the green Drev roared and barreled at Sunny. He came in with swinging fists, wildly inaccurate but absolutely devastating if they were to hit her. Sunny dodged to one side and then the other, than ran forward and slid under him momentarily confused the drugged out drev, who spun stupidly in a circle blinking.

Like the Hulk he was simply a massive machine of anger and adrenaline.

As he was spinning around, sunny dropped low kicking him hard in the back of one of his knees sending him to the ground. He looked almost surprised, just in time to get nailed in the face by a devastating kick that sounded throughout the arena. The crowd was howling and slamming their fists against the glass partitions as the fight continued.

Thomas looked down at Noctus who was almost completely out.

He had seen where they had brought Sunny from and knew that that was probably where the others were being held too, but he needed to make it look like he was doing something important. He looked down o the chair on which Noctus sat, the one he had been carried in on. And with a quick nod of his head, he reached down and picked up the chair. Noctus lulled to one side, but Thomas adjusted the seat and began walking towards the side tunnel.

A large guard stopped him on his way out stepping into his path and giving him a frown. The man was at least six inches taller than Thomas, almost as tall as Sunny was, and probably as big. He looked like someone had stitched two NFL linebackers together. Large black tattoos crawled up his shoulder and neck and onto his face where they circled around one of his eyes. To little teardrop tattoos fell from the corner of one of his eyes.

Thomas wouldn't have needed to go to prison to know what the ink meant.

Behind him there was a gasp from the crowd, and he turned his head just slightly to see that the big green monster had actually managed to catch Sunny, hitting her so hard she was thrown halfway across the cage. She landed flat on her belly and looked like she might have been knocked unconscious, but as the Green drev moved forward to finish her off she sprung like a trap and attacked his legs. The crowd was eating it up.

The man crossed his arms over his chest, "Where do you think you're going."

Thomas bowed his head, "The boss's supply just ran out. I have to get him some more when he wakes up."

The eyes narrowed, "Than leave him here and come back."

Thomas frowned, "You and I both know what he's like when he doesn't get what he wants immediately, and when he wakes up and wonders where his next fix is and why it isn't right there, I will make sure to blame you for not letting me go."

The man paused and seemed to think it over.

Thomas hoped that his bluff about the Tesraki was accurate. He seemed like the kind of creature to get angry when he didn't immediately get what he wanted, and the consequences of such anger seemed more than dire. His heart hammered inside his chest as he listened to the fight continuing on behind him.
This was not good, not good at all.

Though, out of all the things he was worried about, Sunny was actually the one that gave him the least concern. She was the saint of Anin after all, and that objectively meant that she was the best warrior on her planet in all likelihood. It might take her little bit, but she would manage. Adam on the other hand..... was a high value target for certain members of certain communities, and was more useful to most of those people dead than he was alive.

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