Growing Divide

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"I can't believe this is happening, our world is going absolutely batshit insane and no one else can see that it is a total conspiracy. Its like I am standing there looking at the most obvious thing in the world and everyone else is just suddenly blind as hell I mean.... Come on! Like lets just look at this logically right Admiral Kelly was like Admiral Vir's mentor right. He flew the enterprise for her, accompanied her to Proxima B, and the first time they met was while he was still in school. In every interview they have ever had asking him about what got him into this he talks about how Admiral Kelly was like.... His hero. I mean, come on there was no way he had anything to do with any of this.



Hey everyone, so today I wanted to go over a topic that I think a lot of us are having a hard time with right now. I decided to make this video after watching something Spacemandan put out on his channel about how its very unlikely that admiral Vir would have betrayed Kelly , and honestly I agree with him. I have been doing some research, I have read all the documents looking into what happened, and I can honestly say that soemthing doesn't add u. Like don't you think it is just a little suspicious that the literal minute after the pro alliance candidate is sworn into office she is brutally murdered by a Drev that can be linked back to admiral Vir and Oh, since she had vise president hunt were already sworn in, that means Hunt automatically becomes president? So you see how it seems odd that he was loosing the election, but the one way to make sure he got voted in was to make him vise president and then kill the president? Like is anyone not seeing this. I feel like it was a total setup to push the blame on admiral Vir and force people to trust the anti-alliance party. I am going to keep going into that train of thought, but I encourage you to go back and watche spacemandan's video, which you can find linked in the description below.



Hello, hello, hello everyone, its me Katie Kenny, body language expert. I know that these past few weeks have been crazy for everyone.... You know with the world completely falling apart, our religious institutions imploding, and the fifth world war on the horizon, but today I thought I would take a look at the footage of Admiral kelly's death, specifically of Adam Vir to see if we can't examine his body language and determine if or if not his reactions seem genuine. Now before I get into it, I want to preface this by saying that just because his reactions do something, it isn't definitive, like just because he appears sad it might not be because she died it might be for another reason, but with that being said it still is a great place to start when looking through all of this. No I know in the past I have openly shown my support for admiral Vir, but I am going to try to be as unbiased as I can during this video.

Alright, so this frame, right here, this frame is important. You see right before the portal opens up he exchanges this look with Kelly right here. See the widening of the eyes, the furrowing of his brows, and the opening of his mouth right here. This is a pretty clear expression of surprise and fear, which honestly you wouldn't really expect from someone who knew what was coming.

Now through these next parts this expression right here as he is holding her in his arms.... A lot of people say that he could have been faking this reaction, but honestly I don't think so. Usually when people fake grief or pain like this they forget to activate the muscles in their forehead and it just looks flat, but if you can see here, there is the scrunching of the forehead, the lines around the eyes and.... Honestly this is one of the most perfect demonstrations of pain, and anger I have ever seen. If I were to look at this picture with no context, I would say that he is the most devastated out of anyone in this crowd right now.

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