"Okay." Hoseok mumbled before hanging up the phone and placing it on the counter.

Trinity noticed how drained he looked. She didn't want him to work himself into another illness or stress himself out. She seen the damn near empty bottle of whiskey sitting next to him on the counter.

"You okay?" She asked softly, picking up her feet to walk over to him.

Hoseok scoffed as she rubbed his back. "Yeah baby I'm just...a little bit annoyed." He said.

Trinity was silent for a few seconds, giving him some time.

"Do you ... want to talk about it?" She was always hesitating to ask him this because hoseok never wanted to talk about anything.

"It's nothing you should be hearing about." He said, standing up straighter and turning around to face her completely. He then wrapped her up in a hug, burying his nose in her hair that was now back to it's natural color.

"Okay well come to bed. It's late." Trinity whispered.


Trinity held his hand as they made it back up to the room. She let him get in bed first before she got in next. She was drawn to him instantly, laying her head on his chest before closing her eyes.

Hoseok stared up at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. He wanted to, he needed to. But he just couldn't.

"Baby..." he called out.

"Hmm?" Trinity hummed.

"You wouldn't lie to me, right?" He asked out of nowhere.

Trinity's heart stilled. She opened her eyes but didn't open her mouth to answer.

"Right?" Hoseok probed.

Trinity gulped.

"Of c-course not." She said.

"Why are you hesitating?" Hoseok chuckled, but he didn't find anything funny.

Trinity forced herself to smile. "Because it was unexpected and rhetorical. You know I would never lie to you."

"I know." Hoseok kissed her forehead, rubbing her shoulder. He knew she was honest. She was the realest person he knew.

"I love you so fucking much." He whispered.

Trinity pressed her lips against his skin. "I love you too." She responded.

If she were to ever leave him...If she were to ever lie to him, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

He wouldn't ever just let trinity leave. She wasn't allowed to. But at the same time, he couldn't just let her get away with lying either.

But Trinity wasn't like that. It was just sometimes, he allowed for work to interfere with his thoughts and during those moments he questioned any and everybody around him.

Life he taught him that even the people you thought had love for you most, could still turn their backs on you.

But his baby would never turn her back on his. Now keep a secret? Maybe. No matter how deep, dark and important that secret was.

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now