Jacksepticeye x Billy ~ Don't Die

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(Made this when Seán had Covid)

Billy walked into The Master Bedroom and He walked up to The Bed. "Seán? Are you still alive?" Billy said as Seán slowly open His eyes. "Hey Lad. Yeah I'm still alive." Seán slowly got out. "Okay. Um, I'm getting breakfast started, Do you want some eggs and pancakes?" Billy asked as Seán smiled. "Sure Laddie, I'd love that." Seán said as Billy ran out of The Room.

Time Skip.....

Billy walked into Seán Bedroom and He walked over to The Bed and He set the plate of food on The side table next to The Bed. "Seán? Wake up. It's time for Breakfast." Billy said as He touched Seán's arm. "Seán, please wake up." Billy said but Seán didn't respond. Billy gasped and He started to cry. "No, No. Seán wake up! Please!" Billy said as He shook Seán a little. "Woah, Billy I'm up, I'm up." Seán said as He sat up in Bed. "Are you okay, Billy?" Seán asked as Billy smiled and laughed. "I thought you died, Seán." Billy said.

(What Seán looks like without The Headphones and He's in bed

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(What Seán looks like without The Headphones and He's in bed.)

"Oh Laddie, I would never die on You and Evelyn. That's a promise." Seán said as He hugged Billy. "I love you, Billy." Seán said as He rubbed His hand on Billy's back. "I love you too, Seán." Billy said as He smiled.

.....The End.....

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