MadPat x Psycho Gamer ~ Sick

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"Look at Me!" Mad yelled at The tied up Woman. The Woman looked at Mad as He slapped Her across the face. "Now you listen to Me! If you try to run ever again." Mad stopped and He leaned over to The Woman's ear and continued. "I'll kill you." He whispered as The Woman wimpered and Mad laughed. Mad got up off of His knees and He left the room, locking the door behind Him. "Mr.MadPat? I really think you need to see this." A Man said as Mad sighed and looked at The Man. "What is it, Purple?" Mad said as He put His knife back into His pocket. "I caught someone and I think your gonna like it." Purple Guy said as Mad nodded and went with Purple Guy. Purple had took Him to a Black beaten up room.

 Purple had took Him to a Black beaten up room

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(What The Room Looks Like.)

"He's in Here." Purple Guy said as Mad walked into the room. "He's over there." Purple said as He pointed to the left side of the room. Mad looked over and He saw a Boy sitting in The Corner.

 Mad looked over and He saw a Boy sitting in The Corner

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(What He looks like)

"Psyc!" Mad yelled happyly as Psyc looked up at Mad and Purple. "Wait, you know Him?" Purple asked as Mad nodded Yes and walked over to Psyc and He got onto His knees in front of Psyc. "Hey Psyc, what are you doing here?" Mad asked as Psyc pointed to Purple Guy. "Um, I did bring Him here." Purple said as Mad got up off of His knees and turned to look at Purple. "You didn't hurt Him, did you?" Mad asked. "No no, He's okay." Purple Guy said fakely. "He's got Fucking blood all over Him! You Asshole!" Mad yelled as Purple Guy flinched. "I'll deal with you later! Get out!" Mad yelled as Purple Guy left the room. Mad then turned to Psyc. Mad got back on His knees in front of Psyc. "Are you okay?" Mad asked while He was untieing Psyc. "Yeah, I'm okay. I guess." Psyc said as Mad got up off He knees and He held out His hand to Psyc. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Mad said as Psyc took His hand, Mad helped Psyc up to His feet. "Come on." Mad said as He put His arm on Psyc's shoulder. They both left the room and Mad took Psyc to His house. Mad took Psyc into The Bathroom and started a warm bath. "Alright Psyc, I'm gonna go find you some clothes, okay? Don't do anything til I get back. Let the water warm up. Just sit there til I get back, Okay?" Mad said as Psyc nodded Yes and Mad left the room to find some clothes. After about 10 minutes Mad came back to the bathroom and He had some of MatPat's old clothes. "These are Mat's old clothes. They might fit you. But I'm not sure." Mad said as Psyc nodded slowly. "Hey Bud, are you okay?" Mad asked as again Psyc nodded. "Come on, let's get you in." Mad said as He helped Psyc get out of His clothes and into The Tub. For the next 15 minutes Mad helped Psyc get the blood off of Him and helped clean Him up. After they were done Mad helped Psyc get into Mat's old clothes. "There, they fit. Tomorrow, we'll go get some clothes for you. Is that okay?" Mad said and asked as Psyc nodded yes. "Okay." Mad said as He took Psyc into the guest bedroom. "You can stay here for tonight. Okay?" Mad asked as Psyc nodded and Mad smiled alittle. "I'll be downstairs making Dinner. Do you want to eat, Psyc?" Mad asked as Psyc nodded yes. "Okay." Mad said as He turned to leave when. "Mad?" Psyc said quitely and Mad turned around. "Yeah, Um what is it?" Mad said as Psyc looked at Him. "Thank you, for everything." Psyc said as He smiled and ran up and Hugged Mad. "Oh oh, Your Welcome Psyc." Mad said as He hugged Psyc back. Psyc let go of Mad and Psyc's face went cold. "I'm Sorry." Psyc said as He backed away from Mad. "No no, it's okay. Psyc." Mad said as He tried to walk up to Psyc. "Please just leave me alone." Psyc said as He sat down on the bed. "Okay." Mad said as He left The room. Mad knew He needed to help Psyc come back from His Pain. If He didn't it might be to late....

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