MadPat X Psycho Gamer ~ Just a little greeting

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A Little Boy was running from someone. The Boy ran into an old. Warehouse and hid from The Man that was chasing Him. The Little Boy didn't want to Cry but the pain from His broken Arm and It was "killing" Him. The Little Boy started to Cry and The Man who was chasing Him heard it and went into Warehouse. The Little Boy heard The Man and The Little Boy hid in an old Box and shut the lid. "Where are you, Gamer?" The Man said as He walked around The Warehouse. Then The Man had to leave cause some of The Workers came in for work. But The Little Boy was in one of The Boxes, He was gonna get out, When. Bang! One of The Workers had stapled The Box shut, not knowing The Boy was in There. "No! Let Me Out!" The Boy yelled but The Worker didn't hear Him. The Boy almost died in that Box. All The Boy knew was that Box was being delivered somewhere. After what felt like months, was only 2 Days. The Boy woke up cause He felt The Box getting put on The Ground. The Boy didn't want to know where He was so He hid His face on His knees. "Damn, this is Heavy, I hope Mad knows what's in this." The Boy heard A Man say. Then the top of The Box open. "Hey, Who are you?" The Man said as The Little Boy looked up at Him. "Hey Freddy, open all sides of The Box. Hang on, Bud we'll get you out." The Man said as The Boy felt the box braking. The Box broke and The Little Boy fell out. "Oh, are you okay?" The Man asked.

(WHLL or What He look like)"Oh Shit, what are we gonna do about Mad?" The Man said as He looked around The Room

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(WHLL or What He look like)
"Oh Shit, what are we gonna do about Mad?" The Man said as He looked around The Room. "Well you better think of something fast Purple, Mad is supposed to be back any minute now." Freddy said as Purple nodded. "What's your name, Boy?" Purple asked. The Boy, He was gonna answer when A Man came in. "Hey Guys! Is My Package Here yet?" The Man asked. "Oh Shit! Mad, your home early." Purple said as Freddy nodded in agreement. "What The Fuck, is wrong with you two?" Mad asked as The Little Boy came out from behind Purple. "Who The Fuck is that?" Mad asked as Purple looked next to Him. "Shit! Okay Mad, before you get angry. Your package did arrive only your Freddy Suit wasn't in it. He was, and I don't think by choice." Purple said.

" Purple said

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"Are you fucking kidding Me?" Mad asked as He sighed. "Come Here, Boy." Mad said as The Little Boy walked over to MadPat and Mad got on His knees in front of The Boy. "What's your name, Boy?" Mad asked The Boy. "Gamer sir, My name is Gamer." The Boy said as Mad nodded. "Your first name is "Gamer"?" Mad asked as The Boy shook His head No. "What's your first Name?" Mad asked again. "Um it's Psycho Gamer, Sir." Psycho said as Mad smiled a little. "Welcome to your new Home, Psycho." Mad said as He got up and put His hand out to Psycho. Psycho took Mad's hand and Smiled. "I really didn't mean to get stuck in your package." Psycho said as He sighed. "I was running from A Bad Man." Psycho said as Mad shook His head. "No, No. It's great that your here. Your gonna have so much fun here." Mad said as He smiled. "Come with Me, and you can tell Me about it. And No more Sir, call Me "MadPat" or "Mad" for short. And I'll call you "Psyc" for short." Mad said as Psyc nodded. Mad and Psyc walked out of the Room and Mad took Psyc on a Tour of The House. And After Mad layed Psyc down in Bed around 9:30Pm. "So Psyc, How old are you? And Why were you being chased? And are you an Alter or A Human?" Mad asked as Psyc laughed. "I'm 9. And He was chasing Me, so He could Kill Me. He wanted to marry My "Sister", but He didn't like Me. And He thought I'd get in the way. So He was gonna Kill Me, and make it look like a horrible accident. And yes, I'm an Alter." Psyc said as Mad nodded and Smiled. "Well My Little Psycho, You can live with Me forever if you'd like." Mad said as Psyc smiled. "Forever, Mad, Forever. Thank you for everything." Psyc said as He hugged Mad around The Neck.

......The End.....

Billy's Notes: Hey Guys! Sorry for it being long. But hope you like it. More to come hopefully. Thanks for reading!

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