Bones x Ben ~ Trapped

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Just A Reminder: Bones in English means Ben in Swedish

Ben was thrown into a warehouse room and The Door shut and locked. Ben got up and ran up to the door and He started to Hit and Bang on it. "There's no use." A Man said as Ben gasped and turned around to see A Man sitting at a Table. Ben slid down on the door to where His back was on the door and He was facing The Man. "Your stuck here forever." The Man said as Ben put His head on His knees. "Look Kid, I have no clue why your here but I'm Bones. What's your name?" Bones asked as Ben looked at Bones who is now in front of Ben. Ben gasped and Put His head on His knees.

Bones P.O.V....

I was sitting at My Table, Nate had put Me in here about 3 years ago.... Then the door opened, I thought it was Nate coming to give Me my food for the day. I was gonna get up, when, A little Boy was thrown into the room with Me. The Boy was wearing A Black Hoodie and Riped up Black jeans. Then The Boy got up and ran up to the door and started to Kick it, Hit it, and Bang on it. And The Door Nate put on the room was pure steal so I couldn't get out. I watched The Little Boy do this and I wondered why would Nate put Him in here with Me. "There's no use." I said as The Little Boy gasped and turned to look at Me. He then Slide down on the door where He was looking at Me. I really didn't want to say this to Him but I did anyways. "Your stuck here forever." I said as He looked at Me. I couldn't really see His Face and I really didn't know why He was Here. The Little Boy put His head on His knees. I decided to get up and walk over to Him. "Look Kid, I have no clue why your here but I'm Bones. What's your name?" I asked as The Little Boy looked up at Me, The Little Boy gasped cause I was right in front of Him and He put His Head on His knees. "Alright Then." I said as I got back up and I walked back to My Table. "Home?" I gasped at turned to look at The Little Boy. "What did you say?" I asked as The Little Boy looked at Me and repeated what He said. "Home?" The Little Boy said as He looked around The Room then looked at Me. "Yes. This is My home. But I have no clue where you came from." I said as The Little Boy looked to the floor with a Sad look on His face. "Why are you sad?" I asked as The Boy looked at Me. "Go, Home?" He said as I sighed. "No, I'm Sorry. But it looks like your Home now." I said as I got up and walked back to The Little Boy I got on My Knees in front of The Little Boy and I put My hand on His Knee. "Can you tell Me your name?" I asked as The Little Boy nodded. "It-It's B-Ben." Ben got out as He looked at Me. I smiled as I repeated the Name. "Ben?" Ben nodded as I put My hand up to His hood. Ben pulled away as He wimpered a little. "Hey come on, If we are gonna live together then I at least want to see what you look like." I said as Ben slowly nodded. I took the Hood off of His head and I smiled. "Hi, Ben." I said as Ben smiled a little. Ben who had Brown Hair, and Light Brown eyes and His left side of His face had a skeleton panted on it and He had a Stitch going from His chin to the inside of His shirt to where I couldn't see where it ended. "Come on, come sit down with Me." I said as I put My hand out to Ben. He slowly took My hand unsure if to trust Me or Not. But We both walked over to the table. I sat on the left side and Ben sat on the right side. I smiled as Ben smiled back. Cause Ben is My family now.......

The End
Thanks for reading!

Billy's Notes: Hey guys hope you liked this first page More to come and If you want please request and I'll try to make it.... K? Great! See ya!

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